Is it easier for animals to connect with the spirit world?  That’s a question that I’ve been asked a few times during the years I’ve been a practicing clairvoyant!

In short, the answer is yes.

Now, for the long answer!

When animals pass over, I believe that they go to the spirit realm just the same as we do.  They have souls and as far as I’m concerned they don’t go anywhere else.

I also believe that their souls connect with ours just as a human soulmate / soulfriend would.  That means, that before we all come to this world to live another life, they’ll also join in to discuss what their role will be in the lessons that we need to learn.

Ever had a pet that you just ‘connected’ with at first sight?

That you felt they knew what you were feeling and they were with you for a certain period of your life to help you?

That’s because they’re your soul pet, for want of a better term!

Here are some of the reasons that I believe animals connect with the spirit world so much better than we as humans can.

  1. They have heightened senses – they can smell, see and sense things at a much higher frequency than we can.
  2. They are more in tune with their soul. How often do we see things about dogs that just love and love and love, regardless of what is done to them.
  3. They don’t have a monkey mind – which is their brain ticking over with all the crap that we as humans worry about. Paying bills, what to cook for dinner, sorting out the kids etc. They really do just live in the moment and because they live in the moment, they are just more attuned to the energies changing in a room.
  4. Their souls are more advanced. Seriously, the pure love a pet gives you shows that they are more advanced than we are, and as more advanced souls, they just find it easier to connect with those in the spirit world.

You will notice that your pet may suddenly start hissing /barking at something, or maybe they kind of sit there and you can see that they’re watching something, but to you, there’s nothing there.

If you’ve wondered if they’re seeing someone from the spirit world, the answer is yes, indeed they are!  So, don’t doubt for a moment that your pet is seeing a passed loved one when they start doing those weird things.

Love and Light

Katrina Jane

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