How do you look at your life differently?

Let’s be honest, we all get stuck in a rut in life.

Society tells us that we need a university degree and a big mansion of a house to live in.

I’m not saying that those things are wrong or ‘bad’.

Let’s be honest, financial security is what we all want so that we can then do different things.

But at what cost are you trying to gain them.

What I want to do this week is give you a task to help you make you look at your life differently.

What I want you to do is write your eulogy, but you’re only allowed three sentences.

That’s THREE sentences ONLY!

Why should you do this?

Because it’s going to make you really look at your life, and what you’ve done to date.

This Eulogy is for if you died today.

Not when you’re 80.

So, what would your eulogy say?

Have you been living your life or just existing waiting for retirement?

Does your eulogy reflect the life you really want for yourself?

Maybe it will show you that you’ve been caught up in a rut.

If this is the case, make sure that you start to make the changes today, that you want.

We all need a bit of a shake up call, every so often to make us look at our lives differently.

That then brings us back on track to make the changes that we know that we want.

You may realise that you really want to travel because you haven’t as yet.

Which leads you to realise that you don’t want a huge mortgage on a big house, you’ll make do with a little apartment.

You’re not going to suddenly be able to completely change your life straight away.

But looking at your life differently, will show you where you can start to make changes.

It’ll also enable you to look back on your life and not have regrets.

There was an elderly couple whom we ‘adopted’ a number of years ago.

He was in the armed forces and they travelled a lot and didn’t buy a house until they were ready to retire.

It meant that they had a bit of a mortgage and they struggled on the pension.

Financially, things were tight for them.

But they never, ever regretted travelling and doing the things that they loved.

They were an inspiration of how to show gratitude for their life.

So, what would your eulogy say and has it made you look at life differently?

Katrina x