A spiritual take on depression or sickness.

Did you know that there’s a spiritual message in regards to suffering from depression or a serious illness?

I actually read an interesting article the other day that touched on this subject.

Before I go into it, I just want to say this ….

Don’t just write off depression or an illness as a message.

You do need to make sure that you seek professional help to get you through this difficult time.

Even though it may be a message from the spirit world, it is very much a physical thing you are going through.

It’s definitely not something that is just to be ignored.

depression is something that you need to seek professional help with

Just to be clear that I am not talking from a medical point of view but a spiritual one.

That when we go through depression or a serious illness, it IS a message from the spirit world.

Though a difficult one to accept or listen to when you’re in the depths of it.

Just FYI I have been through depression, I’m not just talking out of my arse.

The message is actually a simple one.

That is, you need to look at the path you are on because you’ve slipped off the goals that you set before you came to this earth.

I believe in reincarnation as I’ve mentioned a number of times previously.

With that, I do believe that our souls choose the things that we need to experience or learn before coming back onto this world.

So, when we go through depression it’s a big smack over the back of the head from our spirit guides.

They’re saying STOP! Right now, just stop and look at what you’re doing.

a message from the spirit world can be stop!

Or look at the decisions you’re making.

You’ve lost your path, you’ve forgotten your focus, time to stop and re-adjust.

When you think about it, depression or a serious illness is really a slap to make us stop.

You can’t think, function and you’re exhausted all the time.

That’s why it’s important to speak with a psychologist or counsellor to help you through this dark time.

They help you see how it’s come about.

They show you the steps you need to take to work your way out of it.

By you doing this, you grow, you realise what’s important and you get your focus back.

Just know that it’s a journey in itself.

It may take a few years to get yourself through it.

It took me three years.

While it was the absolute worst time in my life, looking back I can say that I’m glad I went through it.

I’m stronger, more focused and I have a completely different outlook on life and myself.

If you’re struggling through depression at the moment, take the time to accept that you need to look at life differently.

That maybe you are meant to be on a different path and that is why your soul is crying in despair.

Take it and grow from it, learn from it so that you don’t make the same kind of decisions again.

Most importantly, accept that the life you’ll have once through it is going to be very different to the life before it.

That’s what’s meant to happen.

Love & light

Katrina s

**If this article triggers you in any way, please make sure you do seek the professional services of a counsellor or psychologist, in Australia we have Lifeline 13 11 14