Crystals, how do they work in healing?

Are there any benefits to using crystals at all?

When I first started on this new journey of mine into the spiritual world I always had a bit of doubt about crystals.

The more I learnt about them, and I still have a lot to learn, the more inquisitive I got.

Crystals are amazing things when you think about how they came to be.

They are the earths DNA.  They store the records of the development of earth.

Carrying the memory of the powerful forces that shaped it.

Crystals may have been subjected to enormous pressure or they may have grown in dark chambers deep underground, yet others were laid down in layers or dripped upon.

Whatever form your crystal takes they can absorb, conserve, focus and emit energy.

Crystals have their own specific task.

They are defined by their internal structure, not by what they look like.

For example, Aragonite has a number of different external forms and colours but, because the internal structure is the same they are all classed as the same crystal.

Crystals have a heart.

Yep, you read that right. They have an atom and its component parts.

An atom consists of particles rotating around a centre always in constant motion.

Although a crystal may look outwardly calm it’s actually a mass vibrating at a certain frequency ….

That’s what gives a crystal it’s energy!

How cool is that?!

Depending on what you need there is a crystal that will help you in some way.

Where should I get my crystal from?

The best way to get a crystal is from a local store, somewhere that you can just browse and touch them without feeling pressured.

You need to feel a connection to the crystal, the one that speaks to you is the one that you need, so purchasing on-line you’re not going to feel its energy.

I personally believe that it’s also good to know that they have been ethically sourced as you want them to start with nice energy.
