I think one of the hardest things to do is let go of emotional baggage.  We’ve all had something happen to us that we’ve hung on to.  But why?  Why do we hang on to these hurts? Is it something to do with our own ego that we cling on to things as a justification then for our own future behaviour?  I’m truly not sure.

By not letting things go, we stop ourselves from being our best and moving forward.  But letting go isn’t that easy, it truly is a process, an acknowledgement that there is actually an issue, how that makes us feel, accepting that it has happened, taking what we can from it (hopefully something positive) and releasing it and not dwelling on it, or at least, not letting the memories of it hurt us anymore.

I know I have had to work through lots of things, as most of us have but I can honestly say that I am in a much more content headspace than I have ever been before in my life.

Don’t try and “fix” everything at once, you need to focus on one thing at a time and sort it out then move onto the next one.

It truly is worth the time to heal your past so that you can enjoy your future.

So what are you going to work on, starting today?