Do your ears ring or get hot?

I know that may sound like a bit of a weird question, however it’s a genuine one.

Now, I will say that with what I’m going to share with you, I would suggest that you see a doctor if you do get ringing in your ears.


Because it may actually be a physical issue, such as tinnitus and not a spiritual one.

Never assume when something ‘weird’ is going on with your body that it’s automatically spiritual.

Quite often it’s actually a physical thing that does need to be seen to by a health professional!

For the purpose of this topic, let’s go with it’s a spiritual thing.

Did you know that we have smaller energy centres, which are also called chakras in our ears?

What those little chakras do is they filter the transmission of the sound waves and the frequencies that we receive.

Then they send them off to the brain and also our crown chakras.

When you find that you seem to have frequent sensations in the area of the ear it could indicate that you’re Clairaudient.

Clairaudient means ‘clear hearing’ so in spiritual / psychic terms this is how you receive your intuitive messages from the spirit world.

You may hear words, sounds or have an internal dialogue and conversations.

When you find that your ears are ringing or burning it can also suggest that you’re receiving messages from spirit.

So, what you need to do is pay extra attention to what’s going on around you when this happens.

What other things are you experiencing?

Who are you with?

Where are you?

Some other signs that you are clairaudient, apart from the ringing ears is:

  • You’re a natural listener
  • You learn better through auditory learning
  • Music is something that you love and/or you have musical talents
  • You hear sounds, voices and noises that others can’t hear.

If you’d like to find out more about developing your intuitive abilities you may like to do this free course >> HERE

Love & light

Katrina x