Did you know that there are a number of different ‘ways’ in which the spirit world can communicate with you?  When I say the spirit world, this can also include people who we know who have passed over and our spirit guides whom we may have never meet.

We don’t actually have to have known those in the spirit world for them to communicate with us, or even watch over us.

It’s our souls that connect with them, not this human form that we’re in at the moment.

Some signs that you can get from spirit are:

  1. Feathers, which I’m sure most people are aware of. Also, did you know that finding coins and rainbows are also how they may communicate
  2. Repeated numbers, whether the numbers themselves mean something as in their birthday or something like that, or it could just be things like 11:11 or 123 etc
  3. Flickering lights, I do let people know this doesn’t just have to be in your home but it could also be street lights
  4. Finding heart shaped objects – ever walked along the beach and found a heart shaped stone?
  5. A song that constantly comes on the radio – or variations of that song, it could even be you listen to the radio and someone talks about it, rather than it playing
  6. Familiar smells, a common one is the smell of cigarette smoke of a loved one that used to pass, but I’ve smelt freshly cut timber, perfumes etc as well
  7. Dream visits – dreaming of a loved one is actually them letting you know that they’re around you
  8. Orbs – ever taken a family photo and there’s an orb in it? From what I know they show up better in lesser quality cameras, but I could be wrong!  Those orbs are just those in the spirit world joining in the photo!
  9. Sudden change in air temperature, that’s whether suddenly warmer or colder and I’m not talking about on a windy day! Within the room where you’re walking
  10. In other people’s conversations, hearing the name of a loved one being mentioned, such as overhearing a conversation on the bus or on tv etc
  11. Objects being misplaced, oh they do love to do this with me! Moving keys and pens and things
  12. Butterflies are another sign, however there are also birds, ladybugs, dragonflies, in fact any animal or insect that is repetitive.

Now, with this information it’s usually when you see things repetitively so you know that it’s a sign from them, as opposed to an issue with the electrics which causes the lights to flicker, or you walk in the air flow of the air-conditioner so it’s instantly cooler/warmer.

Be sensible about it, but also, don’t just dismiss things either.

People do tend to write things off as a coincidence but I don’t believe in them!

It’s about being aware of the repetitive things that just keep ‘happening’ that seem a bit ‘weird’ or that you can’t really explain – those are signs that the spirit world is around you.

Love & light

Katrina x