Do You Deserve the Life You Want?  Ask yourself, do you??

I just read a really interesting quote …..

“People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don’t deserve them.”

Do you feel like that?

I’m pretty sure most people do.

I mean, who are you to be a world famous author?  Or maybe you’ve always wanted to be a chef in your own restaurant; or some fitness guru?

How about having a Harley and driving around the USA or living on a Greek Island?

I want you to do a little exercise for me.

Write down one dream that you would like to achieve that you have control over; that you can work towards (Hint: that’s NOT winning lotto!).

But I want you to write down in the positive in the now – so as an example: I am a respected world winning author.

How did you feel when you wrote that down?

Did you feel that it was impossible?  Why?

What would it take for you to be that respected world winning author?

Now, I want you to write down WHY you can’t be that dream.

What is it that is actually stopping you from trying to obtain that dream?

Hint: being too busy isn’t a reason, nor is having kids … they are excuses not actual reasons.

A reason would be ‘I’m illiterate’ THAT is a reason.

Now step number three …..

Write down how you can counteract those reasons.

Say you’re illiterate, then you would enrol at a learning facility to learn to read and write – that’s your first step.

Then when you can read and write, you enrol in a writing course, then you write your first story and give it to a few people to critique.

Then you would make the changes necessary or maybe write another story.

Then you send it off to an agent and then get to writing another and send it off again and then another…. until you have that amazing story that makes you a respected world famous author.

Nothing is going to happen if you don’t try; if you don’t at least take the steps towards your goal.

Most people actually have excuses and not reasons.





A common one is “I’m not smart enough” – well, you don’t always need a degree to become a success!

When it comes to not feeling good enough to achieve your dream, some of those reasons are:-

What if success drives away all my friends?

Well, let me tell you here and now that if you become a success and your friends aren’t there cheering you on from the sideline, they aren’t your friends.

What if fame and money change me?

I actually don’t believe that this happens, I believe that fame and money will just enhance whatever is already there in your personality.

If you’re a broke asshole, then you’re going to be a rich and famous asshole.

If you’re a broke generous person then you’re going to be a famous rich generous person (think J.K. Rowling).

It’s wrong to wish to be something I’m not?

I’m ruling bullshit on this one!

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be famous, or rich or whatever it is you are wanting, thinking that will make you happy is wrong but wanting to have a load of money?

What’s wrong with that?!

For some reason society still doesn’t really approve of people making it big, there’s the tall poppy syndrome and this is especially geared at women.

Imagine a woman wanting to make it big? Or to be successful and make a mark in the world.

Stop using excuses and tell me in all honesty WHY you don’t deserve the life you want?

You’re going to have to work towards it, that’s a given, but why shouldn’t you have the life that you want?

Go on, write it down – why don’t you deserve the life you want?

And then have a good hard look at those answers and ask yourself if they are true.

I can guarantee that they most likely are not!

Be kind to yourself, you deserve it!  Go and work towards the life you want.

Love & light

Amanda x