I know that boundaries are things that a lot of people struggle with.

However, it is important that you set them and that you enforce them (which is the difficult part!). Here are four reasons why you need strong boundaries.

  1. They allow you to be your true self

When you create boundaries what you’re doing is allowing yourself space – space that allows you to connect with your own feelings, where you have the space and time to make your own decisions and also it allows you to then ask for what you need without having to please others. For some this is a scary prospect because they don’t really know who they are any more because they’ve spent so much of their life trying to be someone that others want.

4 reasons for setting boundaries

  1. Boundaries are a form of self-care

When you set healthy emotional boundaries, that means you value your feelings and your needs and most importantly it recognises that you’re not responsible for how others feel or what they do.  When you set healthy boundaries it allows you to let go of worrying about how others are feeling and instead it places accountability solely on the individual. Boundaries will keep you from overextending yourself, from constantly saying yes, to others, it will allow you to say no to those things and people that just don’t align with who you are and who you want to associate with.

  1. They create realistic expectations

The key here is that you need to clearly communicate your boundaries, you can’t just assume that others know what they are.  When you state your boundaries, this lets other people know how they’re expected to speak to you and how to behave.  Remember that you can’t get angry with someone for not respecting your boundaries if they don’t know what they are.

setting boundaries creates safety

  1. They create safety.

When you set boundaries they provide not just physical safety but also emotional safety by keeping out those people and also what feels uncomfortable or hurtful to you.

Implement these 4 reasons for setting boundaries and feel your life begin to change.

Love & light

Katrina x