This week I would like to talk about children and the gifts that they have.  They are such precious little people that we should be encouraging them to use their imaginations, to laugh and frolick outside!! 

How will they find fairies and nymphs and the like if they’re stuck inside in front of a computer all day??

Children have the most amazing gift and that is acceptance, they just see things and what is, is what it is.  I remember years ago I read a story by someone and part of it was about the innocence of children, and it was made obvious when they asked their toddler who their Chinese friend was at pre-school and she replied “what’s Chinese?” Isn’t that beautiful?  She didn’t see her friend as being different in any way, if only we were more like that.

Children also see spirit more than we realise!  Don’t be scared at that thought, just be accepting of it, don’t make them feel “weird” because they have an imaginary friend!  I remember when I went through a very tough few years, I was ten years old and watering the garden talking to my two friends, I knew that they weren’t “human” but from another planet, it wasn’t until I was older and could look back that I realise that they were spirit guides who were there to comfort me and help protect me (not aliens!!!) through that horrendously traumatic time.  When that part of my life changed, they left, never to be seen again.

So, when your little ones are sitting down chattering away to their friends, ask them about who they’re playing with!  What are their names, how old are they, what are they wearing etc.   If they’re old enough, get them to try and draw their friends!  I bet you’ll be amazed at what they draw!!!!

In watching their innocence and acceptance of what is, let us take a lesson from them and not question things that happen or judge people by how they look, but just chat and be friendly and just be.

Love and Light
