For those of you on my Facebook page you will notice that I occasionally get a comment from what my husband refers to as a “God botherer” or christian claiming I’m a fraud or all you need to do in life is believe in Jesus Christ and he will save you, etc., I usually tell them to stop preaching on my page and leave it at that.

I was having a conversation with my mum yesterday about this and I was telling her that I never say I can guarantee something to happen or that someone will come through – I am only able to give the information that I am given at any point in time, I also don’t claim to be 100% right all the time (I hate to admit I am a mere human with all the frailities that go with being one!).

Now, what I find interesting is I got a flyer in my letterbox this week from a local church – I won’t name them, but they were claiming to be able to perform miracles in the name of Jesus Christ and that all your sickness and ill health would be cured, and they say that I’m a fraud??!!!! 

So my understanding is if I say that I am delivering messages through Jesus Christ that would be OK?  I do my best to live my life by the golden rule – treat others as you would like to be treated – I am honest about my readings, I don’t cheat on my taxes, I buy strangers coffee if they don’t have enough money, I just do my best to be true to myself, and occasionally I really stuff up! 

It truly took a long time, and I mean years to be comfortable with saying I’m a clairvoyant, having to get through the church doctrine that had been ingrained in me from the age of five through to 27 was a huge thing and I in no way am here trying to rip people off or make money out of people’s misery, unlike a lot of churches that are around at the moment.

I love a quote by Mahatma Ghandi “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ’.  I am not christian bashing, what I want my message to be is – if you want to be a Christian, I don’t have a problem with that, I am more than happy for you to go to church and worship in the way that you feel is right, but DO NOT tell me I am working for the Devil or what I do is wrong or try and convert me! 

Be more like Christ and love and accept everyone for who they are and stop trying to convert people, it drives me nuts, especially when every religion thinks it’s right and everyone else is wrong. 

Wouldn’t the world be a much nicer place if everyone followed the golden rule?  Have a wonderful week everyone!