I know so many people have difficulties in their relationship and I just wanted to share with you these 7 ways to have a happy and healthy relationship. 

A relationship shouldn’t be difficult overall, but you sure as hell are going to have some fights and disagreements along the way!  

So, how can you have a happy and healthy relationship?

  1.  Stop thinking it should be perfect – seriously, forget the fairytales and get your head out of the clouds.  You’ve got 2 people trying to live together and make a relationship.  You’re going to butt heads, you’re going to be hurt and you’re going to hurt them. No relationship is perfect because neither of you are perfect.
  2. Communicate – and I don’t just mean whining at the end of the day, but real communication. When your partner is talking, actually listen to what they’re saying.  The problem with people today is they listen to reply.  Stop what you’re doing, look at your partner and actually listen, then repeat what they’ve said so you know you heard it correctly.  Both of you need to be able to be open and honest with each other, without the fear of having your head bitten off because they didn’t like what you said. 
  3. Be kind to each other – as time goes by you can start to take each other for granted, make sure you thank your partner for cooking dinner, cleaning, when you get up to get yourself something to drink, ask them if they want something.  It’s the little things that you do that show each other you care.
  4. Laugh – I personally believe that you and your partner need to have the same kind of sense of humour because it’s really important that you can both sit down and laugh at the same movies, jokes and happenings.  And have a real belly laugh!  Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself when you do something stupid either, don’t be precious.
  5. Eat together – turn off the tv, phones etc and sit at the table over dinner and talk about your days, listen, find out what bugged them and let them know what bugged you. Or even make a date night once a week where you go out together, dress up, go for a dance, re-connect. 
  6. Have lots of sex – seriously!  I know that the longer people are in a relationship the less they can have sex, but it’s a really important factor in a relationship.  And lets not forget the health benefits – sex reduces anxiety, reduces blood pressure and improves sleep to name a few! 
  7. Be prepared that you’re not going to look the same – don’t for one moment expect your partner to look like they did when you first met, we’re all going to go grey or bald and get wrinkles.  If you’re partner has had children well, she’ll more than likely have a little belly as well.  Do your best to stay healthy, but don’t put pressure on your partner to maintain their ‘looks’ 20 years after you met, that’s completely unfair and unnatural.  Embrace the changes that have happened while you’ve shared your lives together.

Well, there you have it.  Here are my seven ways to have a happy and healthy relationship.  And having been in a relationship for 25 years, I can attest to the fact that it works!! 

If you’d like to read my book on relationships just click >>HERE. 

Remember, that a successful relationship is two people working at it – not one person always making the compromises.  It’s a partnership not a dictatorship. 

Love and Light

Katrina-Jane x