I often get asked in readings about soulmate’s.

Questions such as “is this person my soulmate”, “I feel this person is my soulmate why don’t they feel the same way?”

I’m not a real fan of labels, the reason for that is people get caught up in them such as finding your ‘soulmate’ or ‘twin flame’ or whatever.

In other areas it becomes a bragging point that they’ve reached a certain area / level.

So, going into the technicality of things, what is a soulmate?

According to the dictionary a soulmate is:  a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

Unfortunately, and I do believe that this is because of modern technology people are wondering if there is ‘someone better’ out there for them.

If you fall into that category stop and think for a minute.

If you’re busy wondering if someone else out there is better for you, you may just lose the one that is perfect for you.

Humor me.  Read that definition of soulmate again.

A person who is ideally suited – get that?

IDEALLY suited to you.

They aren’t going to be perfect.

Your soulmate isn’t Prince/Princess Charming.

They’re going to have faults, you’re going to argue – in essence it’s going to be a normal relationship.

Not something out of a movie!

If you’re looking for someone that is going to be ‘perfect’ for you, then you’re going to be looking for a very long time.

However, what a lot of people don’t realise is this:

Just because you may meet your soulmate in this lifetime, doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily meant to be together.

And that’s what people really struggle to accept.

They don’t understand that just because they recognize that connection then the other person should as well.

You can find and fall in love with our soulmate but they aren’t ready to admit it.

You can’t fight it.

You can’t make them fall in love and acknowledge the connection.

That means you have to walk away, because the timing just isn’t right.

We’re each on our own individual journeys and their soul just isn’t ready to meet that connection.

It doesn’t mean that you’ll be alone or you won’t find anyone else as ‘good’.

You will.

Because you can actually have an amazing relationship with someone who isn’t a soulmate.

Not everyone will connect with their soulmate in each lifetime.

Make sure you appreciate the connection with someone wonderful that you have.

Don’t dismiss an amazing relationship just because they’re not what you think a soulmate should be.

You just may be wrong and they ARE your soulmate.

Remember, that what you may think a soulmate is, it more than likely isn’t that.

If it’s good. Don’t waste it.

Stop looking for your soulmate and appreciate the person you’re with.

If you’re single, stop holding others up to some unrealistic ideal that you have.

No-one is perfect.

Not even your soulmate.

Not you.

But they will be perfect for you.

Love & light
