Why do we suffer setbacks? What do you do when you suffer a setback? Do you take some time out or do you throw in the towel at the first hurdle that you cross?

No matter what, we are all going to suffer setbacks, whether that is trying to achieve a goal or just generally in life, things aren’t going to turn out the way that we had planned. Some people think that if they are on some amazing spiritual path that everything should go just the way that they want and get confused and upset and then ask why do we suffer setbacks?

Aren’t I on the right path?
Why isn’t the universe supporting my decisions?
Aren’t I being good enough?
What did I do wrong?

So, why do we suffer setbacks? I believe it is so that we can learn and grow because we are continuously needing to be learning and growing. If you think that you know all you need to know, well, you’re wrong, sorry. Regardless of how virtuous your path is, you are still going to find rocks and even boulders in your way.
When you suffer a setback that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re on the wrong path or that you’ve done something wrong, it’s just the universe saying ‘hey, you’re moving too fast’ or ‘before you take the next step there is more you need to learn’.

However, it may be that you are on the wrong path, if you suffer a setback, just stop for a moment, reassess what you are trying to achieve and then look at the options around the setback, there are always options and if every single option still makes you hit a wall, then maybe you need to reassess what you’re doing and decide to do something differently. But, only after you’ve checked out all the options!
Don’t just throw in the towel because things get a bit tough, that’s not how you are supposed to deal with a setback. Don’t just immediately assume that it’s the universe telling you to do something else, working through the hard shit is what it’s all about and we come out the other side with such strength and knowledge and growth within ourselves as a person, if you just throw in the towel, you’ll be no different and then everything that you try and do, regardless of what it is, will have a setback and you’ll just see it as this huge obstacle. When in fact, it’s the universe just asking you ‘how much do you want this’? ‘How hard are you going to work for your dream?’

The other Friday night I attended the Steel Magnolia Awards in Newcastle, NSW, where a select number of women who have overcome huge setbacks in their life are celebrated. The winner, Jodie Bell was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease at 32. THIRTY-TWO, think about that, at such a young age with two small children she was diagnosed with a disease that has no cure and kills. She has been given a maximum of 5 years to live. Did she curl up and feel sorry for herself? She may well have done to start with but instead, she is doing whatever she can to raise awareness of this insidious disease so that funding can be made so that they can find a cure. What an amazing lady, when confronted with such a huge setback in her life she has flipped it on its head and is going to make a difference to others because of who she is and her attitude.

I can tell you, when you see people who have gone through or are going through huge adversity in their lives and instead of feeling sorry for themselves, they get out there and do something to make a difference, it certainly puts into perspective. Make sure you do that, when you’re feeling sorry for yourself, read stories of people that have gone through adversity to put your own problems in perspective. Because when you look at what the majority of us go through in regards to set-backs it’s nothing compared to others, sure it’s still tough for us and it hurts and we struggle to understand it, but I really believe that a little dose of perspective is a good thing.
Compare these two for example: Failed that exam you worked so hard to pass, which means having to do it all again or change courses? Given five years to live. OR how about:- You’ve lost your job, which means you will have to move to gain employment. Suffering a freak accident that leaves you in a wheelchair for life.

Get my point? It’s all a matter of perspective and I am in no way saying that whatever it is you’re going through isn’t tough for you, of course it is, but perspective and not letting it get on top of you is what matters.
Here’s me talking about a personal set-back of my own Dealing with Setbacks on YouTube.

Remember this: It’s not what is thrown at us but how we deal with it that is the key to living a fulfilling life.
So, again, why do you suffer setbacks? Well, it depends on the setback, but essentially, it’s to grow. To learn. To make you ask yourself how much you really want to achieve this goal, to make you reassess your life

So, next time you suffer a setback, what are you going to do?