Have you ever wondered why spirits hang around certain places?

I’m not talking about our loved ones in the spirit world that come and visit us to let us know that they’re alright or reminding us that they’re around us.

I’m talking about those uninvited spooks, the ones that ‘haunt’ places or maybe that just seem to follow us around.

Are they all evil? No.  Are they all good? Also, no.

There can be a number of factors as to why a spirit hangs around.

The most common one (think the movie The Sixth Sense) is where a human has died but the soul hasn’t gone to the light.  They can sometimes get confused and not realise that they’re dead and need to cross over and they then get angry because you’re in ‘their’ house and start doing weird things to scare you away.

Or they just don’t want to be dead so they cling to this life and stay around the places that they know.

Sometimes, they can follow you home and become ‘attached’ to you.  They like your energy so they kind of buddy up with you, not that you may want them to!

However, sometimes we have spirit guides pop in because they want to help us with our own journey and they are with us for a while as they guide us, but then they move on to help someone else.

There’s no set reason, it really does depend on the spirit and what their own journey is.

I know that I’ve had to deal with a couple of spirits that ‘haunted’ places.  One was our own house and the other was a property that we were renovating.

Instead of fighting the fact that they’re there, I talk to them, explaining the situation of what’s going on and letting them know that it’s all alright.  That the important thing is that it’s time for them to go to the other side and go towards the light.

However, just like humans you can’t force them to do it.  But I found talking to them helped calm things down, they sometimes just like to be acknowledged and it helps, especially when they’re confused that you’ve explained things.

If you find that a spirit in your home is quite nasty and things aren’t settling, then I would suggest getting a professional house clearer in, because no-one should have to put up with that crap!

I would love to hear from you?  Have you ever had a spirit hang around your home?

Katrina x


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