So many of us are forever searching or looking for that place where we think we are supposed to be.  What we all need to remember is that wherever you are, is just fine.  Every step of the journey is literally that, a step, as long as you realise that you can continue to wherever you want to be from right here and now, then all is OK.

What we need to do is stop measuring where you are in relation to others, don’t compare yourself with where a friend is or where you think I am or the person at the church you go to or that lady who looks really rich down the road.  They are all on their own journey and your journey is meant to be different to theirs – because it is YOUR journey.  This is your life, it is how you roll with the punches that are thrown at you, it is how you care about yourself, it is about how you deal with other people, that will determine where you are on your journey called life. 

As we grow up and learn different things, we will look at things differently and that is a curve that is meant to happen and there is nothing wrong with it.  We learn, we evolve and hopefully this makes us a better person for it.  Some of us, not so much, we don’t learn from our experiences and we just keep on facing the same ones again and again.

We can’t wallow in our own misery, that won’t get us anywhere at all, if you’re not happy with where you are at this point in your journey, well, only you can make things change.  You have the strength and power within yourself to step out of the path and make a new one.

Not happy with your weight?   Start exercising and eating healthily.  Not happy in your relationship?  Seek counselling or make the decision to leave or possibly view the whole relationship through different eyes and you may just realise that you can make a change within yourself to make things better.  Not happy with your career?  Decide what you want to do and then take the steps towards, and they can just be little steps, because sometimes that’s all we can do and that is perfectly OK.

You just have to remember that the only thing you need to worry about in your journey is where you are in relationship with where you want to be.