A white sage smudge stick, what is it?

I’ve had a few people ask me what a white sage smudge stick is so I thought that I’d just put together a little information to help you.

What is it?

A white sage smudge stick, isn’t a stick!

It’s a bundle of the herb white sage that has been dried.

What is smudging?

It’s a symbolic ceremony to cleanse the area in your home. Most importantly to help remove any negative energies.

When should I use a white sage smudge stick?

It really depends on you and your family.

If the family is in a highly stressful environment, then once a week may be beneficial.

It’s good to use a white sage smudge stick when you move into a new home.

It just helps you start off on the right energetic foot!

You may want to use one at the beginning of each season.

What do I need to smudge?

  • A white sage smudge stick
  • Bowl (fireproof) with sand in it
  • A feather (if wanted)
  • A candle

How do I smudge?

Light the candle and state your intention of what you are wanting to achieve.

You may want to do a short meditation to ground yourself.

Use the candle to light the white sage smudge stick.

When you light the smudge stick, don’t panic it’s not meant to catch fire and burn the house down!

You light it and then blow out any little flames that may appear – what you want is the smoke.

If you want, carry the bowl around with you to catch any falling bits.

Some people like to use a feather to waft the smoke in the direction you want.

Personally, I just light it and then wave it around the areas that I want.

Starting at the front door, and going in a clockwise direction wave the smoking white sage stick.

Move it around the window and door frames.

Importantly, also focus on the corners, this is where energies can sit.

Open cupboard doors etc.

While I do this, I breathe calmly and stay calm and connected.

Don’t rush this process.

Be mindful of what you’re doing.

Watch the smoke drifting and clearing the energies of your home.

How do I finish the ritual?

When you’re back to where you started after smudging all areas just dip the smudge stick into the bowl with the sand.

A small amount of pressure is usually enough to extinguish it.

You can either leave the candle burning (make sure it’s in a safe place) or you can blow it out with a closing prayer / mantra.

Can I smudge myself or another person?

Yes! You can!

You can start at the top or the bottom.

Wave the smoldering white smudge stick around your aura.

Make sure you breath deeply and evenly as you do it.

The same method applies to if you’re smudging someone else.


Happy smudging!

Katrina-Jane x