What is success? I believe that it is enjoying what you are doing. It doesn’t have to mean making a load of money or having a big house, but being happy to wake up each day and get to do what you enjoy is success. How do you become successful? Well to start with we all need to accept in life is that we’re not always going to make the right decisions, that we are going to royally screw up sometimes, we will look back and think ‘what the hell was I thinking?’ – don’t beat yourself up about, because you need to understand that failure is not the opposite of success, it is a part of success. If you don’t fail, how do you know what success is? Every time you make a ‘mistake’ in your eyes, you learn from it (well, hopefully you do). I tell people, when you try something and you fail at it look at it this way – at least you now know what not to do and you can let that go and focus on something new.
To be success the main thing is you have to take the leap – try the unknown – give it a go, otherwise, you’ll never know, will you?
What is something that you have tried and didn’t succeed but in doing that, it allowed something better to come along?