What is ‘bad luck’? I often get contacted by people who state that they’ve been having a lot of ‘bad luck’ but what is it?  I personally think it’s the way you view things, there are always two sides of the coin, you may have had a car accident and consider that bad luck, however someone else would consider it good luck that you’re weren’t killed.  I’m not saying that you should live life looking through rose coloured glasses, but it’s about being practical and honest with ourselves and not instantly thinking that something that happens that hasn’t gone your way is ‘bad’.

You know what, sometimes crappy things happen to good people.   That’s life but it’s how those crappy things are dealt with and viewed that makes all the difference to whomever it’s happening to.  It’s our own personal way of dealing with things that makes all the difference, if you want to be a sad sack and think life is unfair and everything bad is happening to you, there’s nothing anyone can do to change that, only you can.  It’s up to you to change the way you view things and when you do, you’ll notice that you’re life seems to be brighter.

Don’t forget that sometimes an event has to be over for us to be able to see the big picture and understand why something has happened and how that one event caused a chain reaction that pushed us onto a completely different path, because we’re often too stubborn to take the hints from those in the spirit world that we need to change direction or take opportunities that are sent our way so they have to do the proverbial ‘smack over the back of the head’ kind of thing.

Everything that happens to us whether ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is all a matter of our own personal perspective.