Have you ever wondered what it means if you die in your dream?

I believe that it can mean one of two things.

The first, that it could be a fear that needs to be faced, or you could have had a discussion with someone about dying and then dream about it happening.

This, in fact, happened to me only last week!  Chris (Husband) and I decided to get new wills made, because, well, that’s something everyone should do! And Powers of Attorney etc.  obviously, this meant discussions with the solicitor about what happens if I die or Chris dies first, such as who gets what after we’re both gone.

That night I dreamt that we were on a large cruise liner, sitting in a bus (? Go figure) when a tidal wave was coming towards us.

Chris and I put things in motion to do our best to survive, but we weren’t allowed OFF the bus and I remember just looking across at him as the tidal wave hit thinking this is the end.

Now, obviously, speaking with our solicitor triggered something in my subconscious which created this really weird bloody dream about us both dying.

It was not a foretelling of us dying, but definitely a subconscious thing that happened.

The same can be applied if someone close to you has just died or you’ve had a friend give you news that they are dying.  This can lead us to re-evaluating our life and make us think about our own mortality.

Or maybe, quite simply, you’re afraid of dying so again, your subconscious comes up to make you face it.

The second meaning could be the spiritual message behind the dream.

For example, Death isn’t an ending but more a beginning.  It could be that you are spiritually growing, that you are moving away from an old life and into a new one.

It’s actually a positive thing!

There’s no need to fear dying in a dream.

Oh, and it’s a myth that if you fall from a great height in a dream and actually hit the ground that you die.  You don’t, so don’t be concerned about that either.

Dreams can have lots of hidden messages again referring back to my dream, the tidal wave, cruise ship, stuck on the bus and being with Chris all have deeper meanings.

Even just ‘dying’ in a dream can have some extra messages, such as how you die, who you’re with, where you are, how your feeling etc.  All can change the meaning of the dream but also give it more context.

If you’ve had a dream that you feel has a message for you and not sure what it could mean, then you can ask me in a one question reading by booking >>HERE

Love and Light

Katrina-Jane x