I don’t know about you, but sometimes I have dreams and when I wake up, I’m like ‘WTF does that mean?!’

I’m going to be honest here and say that for most dreams, I don’t think they actually mean anything.  Most of the time, it’s just our subconscious fears rising to the surface. 

Think of a young mum dreaming that her baby is kidnapped.  It’s natural for a new mum to fear that something is going to happen to her baby.

Or maybe you thought about someone / something through the day and then you dream about them, again.  To me that’s just your subconscious doing its job!

However, yes, sometimes it’s those in the spirit world just connecting with us or giving us a message to help us.

How do you tell the difference?

It’s actually not always easy to work out if you’ve received a message or if it’s just your subconscious.  You need to be aware of what you’re really feeling about situations. 

Have you been infatuated with someone, then you dream of them?  This doesn’t mean that they’re going to be in your life, but instead it is your subconscious reliving a fantasy …. (sorry to burst your bubble there).

The other night I had a dream and all I remember of it was this big body hugging me.  In the dream I didn’t want to let go and somehow my subconscious knew that it was real.  It was my spirit guide just giving me a hug!

There was no special meaning in it at all.  What it was meant to do was give me comfort.

If you’re wanting your spirit guides to help you with a situation / give you clarity / give you some advice – then ask them before you go to bed!

They work best at connecting with us in the dreamworld because our ‘monkey mind’ isn’t getting in the way.

If you want to interpret a dream, whether it’s your subconscious working, or a message – forget about what’s going on in the dream.

Instead, focus on how you’re feeling during it.

Are you happy? Scared? Confident?

Then take that feeling and apply to whatever issue you asked your guides about.

If you’re stressed about a situation at work, yet in the dream you were feeling confident, then it could be a message that you have the ability to face the issue and get it sorted.

Of course, you can always look up one of a million websites to find out the clinical meaning, however I’ve personally found that a lot of times those just don’t apply to me!

Dreams are often full of symbols not actual events.  So after taking how you feel, try and remember what happened and then simplify what it may mean.

Keep a dream diary and as soon as you wake up, write down everything you remember.  If you’re getting messages from your spirit guides, you’ll find that there’s a theme in your dreams.

If you have a dream that’s got you stumped, you can always book in for a one question reading with me to get an interpretation.