An interesting thing happened this week.  I had a lady booked in for a reading and before she arrived I did my usual tune in that I always do.  She sat down in front of me and ….. nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  All I could get was nothing huge was happening till the end of the year, especially financially.  Her grandmother came through but not strongly.  And the other thing I could get was ‘lay the fundamentals’.  I turned the voice recorder off after about 15 minutes and just said, I’m struggling to get anything so I won’t charge you for this.  She stayed for the hour and I did some tarot cards as well, which funnily enough reinforced what I had received!

She was OK about it and realised that maybe it wasn’t the time for her to have a reading, I said to her that she knew what she had to do, so why was she doubting herself?  She agreed.

But I have to confess that I beat myself up about it.  It’s never happened before, where it just seems like I’m sitting there with a void happening!  Oh well, I didn’t waffle garbage as I won’t do that, and I was honest so I suppose I can’t do more.

Proves I’m just human and also it has shown me that if Spirit don’t want to communicate, they don’t want to communicate and it doesn’t matter what you want, they’re in charge!  So I just have to go with the flow and do what they want!  As is always the case! 🙂

Have a great week everyone.

Rainbows and Light, Katrina-Jane