I’m going to share with you 7 types of toxic people because the term ‘toxic’ gets thrown around a lot these days.

However, what exactly is a toxic person?

More importantly, how do you deal with toxic people?

Do you know how to tell if someone is a toxic person?

There are three main categories of people.

However, there are of course more than just three!  I’m just touching on those.

Connected by history

You know, you went to school together, you’ve been friends forever… or maybe you were neighbours and when you think about ending the relationship you feel bad.  This can also include family.

Connected by proximity

They’re part of a package deal.  Maybe your partners best friend who always tags along. Or their wife and you don’t want to say anything, because it would just make things awkward.

Connected by context

Someone at work or the apartment where you live.  You see them all the time. Yet you feel guilty brushing them off, but hell, you see them all the bloody time. How do you avoid them?

Now, sometimes the above people are just casual in your life.

As in they’re nothing too important in your life or to you.

However, when they become someone that is jealous or has a totally different set of ethics and they just seem to make things difficult, that’s when it becomes toxic.

Look out for these 7 types of toxic people –

1 – Conversational Narcissist

This is someone that always wants to talk about themselves.  They’re  constantly stopping you from getting a word in because, hey, they’re just so much more interesting. They won’t ever ask you how you’re feeling. While they’re yabbering on, they won’t pause for breath or allow you to comment.

They’re self-centred.

2. The Straight Jacket

This is the control freak. They want to control everyone and everything around them. They’ll want to know what you do and even try and tell you how you should act and what you should say.  If you disagree with them, they freak out.  If you’re in a romantic relationship with them, they won’t let you breath at all.  Get out while you can.

3. Emotional Moocher

Or as I like to refer to them an emotional vampire. What they do is suck the positive out of you. They leave you feeling like crap and they walk off all good. They’re always sad, pessimistic and negative. They’re the person that refuses to see the positive in any situation and will just drag down everyone that’s with them.

4. Drama queen

You know the person! Something is always going ‘wrong’. Once that situation is sorted then some other drama happens.  It’s not really a drama but they’re just wanting your empathy, sympathy and support. They sure as hell don’t want your advice.  It doesn’t matter how much advice you offer, they’ll never take it because they don’t want anything fixed.

5. Jealous and Judgemental

This person has so much internal self-hate that they just will not be happy for anyone else around them. In fact, they will more often than not be judgemental, spread gossip and criticise others. Everyone else around them is awful, or lacking in some way.

6. The Liar

These people are exhausting. Because you never know if they’re telling you the truth or not. If your gut instinct is ringing alarm bells, then you know you’re being lied to, so get out.

7. The Tank

A tank will ride over everything in its path. This person is always right, they don’t take into account anyone else’s feelings or ideas and will constantly put themselves first.  This type of person doesn’t have an opinion, whatever they speak is fact (so they think).  They think this way because they believe that they’re the smartest person in the room and people around them are never equals.

If you have someone in your life that you dread speaking with or seeing, who doesn’t respect your opinions or they make you feel bad about yourself, then you just have to say no.

You don’t have to deal with them, so stop feeling that you need to ‘help’ them or ‘save’ them.  You don’t.

Life is too short to be spent with people that don’t help you be your best.

Love & light

Katrina x