I’m going to share with you today, the top 6 blocks to clairvoyance.  Blocks are things that happen to all of us, and yes, even me when I first started out.

When you’re trying to develop your clairvoyant abilities, there are a number of things that can stand in your way and it evokes a hell of a lot of frustration because you just want to start getting messages and you’re not!

Just remember that if you are starting out, try not to put too much pressure on yourself.  We all learn and develop in our own ways.  Most importantly, don’t compare yourself to anyone else.

In no particular order ….

  1. You’re trying too hard –  I know that this may sound kind of weird, but you can actually try to hard to connect and all you get is fuzz!  Think of it as your energy connection to the source is like an antenna and when you’re really trying hard to get messages and connect, you’re creating a storm and so the signal gets all messed up.  You know how your TV works better on a clear night than when there’s a storm?  Same thing.  It’s like trying really, really hard to connect, which in turn causes you not to connect.  Getting messages is when you’re calm and those messages just pop into your mind.
  2. Ego – Come on, you must all know someone who thinks they’re the bee’s knees when in reality they’re pretty hopeless. They want to be someone, to be seen and heard so they just start making up shit or they really, really state the obvious. A good indicator of when ego is taking over is when you start to feel superior to others, that’s ego, not being spiritual.  I can share lots of stories about this, but the one I will share is when first starting out I used to do psychic fairs.  You know, sitting at a table and people come for a reading? Well, you get to know all the regulars that go around doing it and at this one particular fair, a few people wanted to be at the front.  They wanted to be seen and to get all the readings.  I didn’t really care where I sat and was put behind a big pillar. I was booked out for the day and those at the front hardly got anyone.  They were sooooooo pissed.  Way to funny.  Don’t compete, just go at your own pace no matter how slow.
  3. Impatience – I kind of mentioned this above, however what you may find yourself doing is jumping levels, so to speak, trying to get to the end result without doing all the practice and learning that goes with it along the way. For example, some people just want to connect with their crown chakra because they want to be ‘up there’ with the source rather than feet firmly on the ground.  That’s not how it works!  You need to go at your pace, practice and practice some more, try different ways of receiving information.  If you don’t know what kind of intuitive you are, then do my course >>here because there are steps that you need to do so you can understand how you get messages, how to interpret them and working out if it’s your ego or actually a message!
  4. Not believing – a big thing that happens is you get a message and then you just write it off to coincidence, rather than accepting that it’s a message. Now, I know that it can be confusing when you’re starting out to work out if you just ‘thought’ something or if you actually got a message.  You honestly just need to trust that it’s a message.  If it turns out it doesn’t, that’s the learning curve you need to go through where you start to understand what’s a message and what isn’t.  You just need to have faith that it’s working, even when you don’t understand the message!
  5. Not Listening – The other thing is not actually listening or seeing. You’re thinking that the message should be a particular thing, and if it’s not, then you just ignore the message when it happens because it’s not what you’re expecting.  You need to be open to all interpretations of what the message may be.  The example I always give people is a rainbow.  Say you’re wanting to see a rainbow?  Don’t be blinkered that the only rainbow that you’ll accept is one in the sky, because if it’s not raining then you’re not going to see one! It could be a rainbow from a prism, or you see a rainbow in a photo.  They’re all interpretations of the answer that you asked for.
  6. Comparing yourself to others – A big no-no. This is your journey and when you try to be like someone else, it’s just not going to happen for you.  It will lead you to being frustrated and closing yourself off.  You may only ‘hear’ messages when you really want to see them, or you may only smell things when you really want to hear.  Stop trying to be what you THINK you should be and instead accept the gifts that you have.  Work with them and make them be the key to who you are.  You may work better with tarot than being a clairvoyant, that’s not wrong nor bad, it’s what your gift is.

You’re not anyone else, you’re you! So embrace that and work with it.

Love & Light

Katrina x


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