The Right Time …. Have you ever uttered those words in a sentence?

“Now isn’t The Right Time to start study”

“When the kids have grown up and left home, then it’ll be The Right Time”

“There aren’t enough hours in a day at the moment so, I’ll wait until The Right Time”

If you’re one of those that do use that phrase, ask yourself why?

Is the time really wrong? Or are you using other people in your life as an excuse to actually not take a risk?

Because that’s all it is, an excuse.

There will never be The Right Time, because something will crop up that you have to deal with which will allow you to use another excuse that it isn’t The Right Time.

It’s time to stop making excuses. It’s time to start putting yourself and your needs first for once.

It’s not selfish to do that. So you have permission.

Whatever it is that you want to do, then do it.

Make NOW The Right Time and start putting things into place.

It doesn’t matter how big or small it is – you want to quit smoking? Then now is the time to do that.

Want to study? Then it’s time to start looking into courses you want to do is right now.

Don’t overthink things either, sometimes you just have to bite off more than you can chew and chew like crazy.

Sure, some people in your family / life may have to sacrifice what they want to do so you can achieve this, that’s actually OK.

When you’re in a relationship / family you should be taking turns at supporting those that want to achieve something and not bitching and complaining about it.

It doesn’t mean that you always sacrifice everything you want to do so that everyone else gets to do what they want.

Telling yourself that you’re ‘waiting for The Right Time’ – when the kids leave home / you’re more financially secure / you’ve moved into your dream home or …. Will mean that you’ll never achieve your dream.

If you really want to do it, then just do it.

Stop making an excuse because there will never be The Right Time’ where all your stars are aligned and life is just perfect.

It’s up to you to make your dreams happen.

If you don’t succeed at that dream, it’s OK because at least you tried and you stopped making the excuse of when it’s The Right Time.

Well done you’ve chosen to live your life.

Katrina x