I know I’ve ranted about this before, but here I go again. What is this ‘real women’ crap? I am seriously over it. You know what I’m talking about, when someone puts a post of Facebook and the woman has boobs and a bum the comments are ‘so nice to see a real women’. Um, hello? Aren’t we ALL real women? Regardless of our bra size, hair colour, the size of the clothes we wear and our age we are ALL real women. You never see pictures of men with men commenting ‘nice to see a real man for a change’. We all need to STOP and I mean this, judging each other by our looks and the clothes we wear. We should be celebrating each other for the achievements that we have made – whether a fantastic stay at home mum, a fantastic mum that works, a business woman, a creative woman, a woman who is a volunteer, a woman who is a carer, a woman who has survived an illness …. Why are these things not mentioned? The Woman’s Weekly did the first ever article on Margie Abbott (prime minister’s wife) and the headline was ‘how she lost 20kg’ WTF? Seriously? That had to be the headline? We all need to just stop it. Stop the judgment about how we look, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what kind of person we are, someone who is kind, caring, a go getter, focused an achiever, the list is endless but we don’t put those labels on us, instead it’s what colour dress they wore, how much weight they have put on / lost as if that is the sum of a woman. No body shaming, love ourselves, love each other, celebrate each other and what we have achieved and what we are aiming for.
Let’s stop this stupid body image shaming, it doesn’t matter your size, as long as you’re healthy – it’s what is inside that matters and how you treat others.
So, I would love it if you could either post something about yourself that you celebrate (a nice pat on the back to yourself) OR if you want to tag a friend / work colleague / family member and CELEBRATE something about them, because there are plenty of bloody awesome women out there and their looks and size doesn’t shouldn’t come into it. Let’s start the revolution!