Past life or lives.  We’ve had plenty.  Have you carried issues through to this life?

I think past lives are a fascinating thing, lessons that weren’t learned carried forward until we learn them.

Or fears and phobias that are caused by something that has happened in a past life.

If you suffer from a medical condition or maybe you have a phobia or irrational fear, it wouldn’t hurt to look into your past lives.

When or if you decide to do this, I would recommend that you use someone with credentials to take you through the hypnotherapy regression that is needed.

The thing that you need to realise is that it can be quite traumatic to go through it, so yes, you need someone who is able to guide you through that safely.

I kind of roll my eyes when I hear people say that they were Cleopatra in a past life for instance, I really do kind of think, really?

Let’s be honest, not everyone could be Cleopatra or some king or queen or famous person in a past life.

Plenty of us were scullery maids, or murderers, rapists, as well as dying in childbirth or being murdered.

Think of all the things a person could experience.  You’ve done some of them in a past life, good and evil.

That’s why it’s important if you decide to do past life regression to use an expert!

I’ve done past life readings for people in  one instance the person was trapped in a small area and I said he was then afraid of the dark.  He replied that he was afraid of the dark!

When you find out about past lives you can address or perhaps understand why you may have an illness.   Or why a fear is present in this life and then you can work on it with more success.

I’ve known of someone with an issue with their leg.  The doctors couldn’t work out the problem because there didn’t appear to be one.  He was stabbed in a past life, in the leg.  Once he knew, well there you go, no more issues!

Plenty happens to us in this life that affect us as we continue on.

Make a future reincarnation a bit easier.  Try and deal with those issues now so you don’t take them through with you to another life.

Been wondering about an aspect of your personality?  Maybe you have a medical condition that there doesn’t appear to be an answer?  Think about finding out about a past life and see if that can clear things for you.

Every past life you’ve had you’ve brought something unfinished through with you, this also doesn’t just mean bad stuff, it can be positive traits that you don’t know where they came from.

You may have lived an entitled life in a past life and in this life you think menial jobs are beneath you, as an example.

In that past life, once we’ve understood, accepted and let it go, it’s gone.

However, don’t just blame a past life for your bad behaviour, it’s no excuse because it is something that you can work on correcting.

The choice is yours whether you correct it or take it into your next life.
