Pain and suffering is going to happen in your life, whether you’re on a spiritual path or not.

When you start on a more spiritual path, I feel that a lot of people think that they’re life is going to become easier. That there won’t be any pain and suffering or that they won’t go through that as much as others. Because they’re meditating, putting positive vibes out to the universe and doing all the ‘right’ things.

I personally don’t believe that going through pain and suffering can be avoided.  However I DO believe that you can make it not as bad for you as it could have been. It’s all a matter of perception on life, and others, and even yourself.

I’m not going to go into grieving because I’ve covered that in a different blog but I will touch on personal hurts, like your partner cheating on you or even your health.

When you have the view that ‘it’s not fair’ when something ‘bad’ happens to you, you’re going to suffer a whole lot more, than if you have a view that isn’t self-centred.  All you’re doing when you’re sitting in your misery thinking you’re unlucky in love / finances / health is making things worse. 

Start looking at life as a lesson for everyone concerned, to not take things personally.  Instead of saying ‘its not fair’, think about what you have learnt about yourself and others.  How can change things next time to reduce the same thing happening again?

If you don’t learn you’ll just repeat the same patterns and cause yourself more pain and suffering.

One thing I’ve found with the spirit world, is they don’t hold onto attachments like we do.  We’re human remember, they are not!

I’ve had people ask if they’re loved one is no longer in pain?  No they’re not, there isn’t pain and suffering in the spirit world.

They view things a lot more dispassionately because that’s the best way to deal with things!

Mind you, they don’t like to see us going through pain and suffering and will do things to help us get through it, but we have to be open to receiving and also changing our thought patterns.

You need to remember as well, that just because you got through a situation quite easily, doesn’t mean that someone else will as well. 

Don’t disregard others pain but at the same time you need to be aware when someone is starting to wallow in it and are identifying with that pain and suffering, instead of grieving and moving on.

You’ll notice it in the way that they will always bring the topic back to their pain and suffering.  Remember if it’s something that’s just happened, that’s natural but when it’s years later and they still go on about how badly they were treated ….. they’ve turned themselves into a victim for the attention that it brings.

When you don’t move on from the pain that you’re feeling that someone else has created, then you’re just allowing them to continue to hurt you.

As the saying goes, the best revenge is to go off and be happy and not give them a second thought.

Other people’s behaviour towards you says more about them than it does you.  Believe me, it took me a long time to actually realise that and at times I still have to remind myself of it!

Pain and suffering will always happen because people are selfish. 

However it’s up to you how much you let it affect your life. 

The same goes for revenge – let karma take care of it, because focusing on wanting to pay someone back is just holding you in that pain pattern.

Move on!  Count yourself lucky that the person that hurt you is no longer in your life!

I think the same goes for health, you can see people that have had a major health incident in their lives, such as becoming a paraplegic.  Some will forever be bitter and others turn around and use it as a platform to achieve more in their life than they ever have.

Regardless of what it is, you can turn it around to create good in your life or you can let the pain swallow you up.  It boils down to your point of view.
