No, I’m not talking about the charlatans, claiming to be clairvoyants, who try and rope you in to having a reading with spam emails.

Or the ones that say you’re cursed and then tell you that if you pay for a reading or a clearing that they’ll remove the curse.

Like any profession you’re going to get the people that aren’t ethical.

I’m not talking about those kinds of clairvoyants, I’m talking about HOW a clairvoyant gets information.

Did you know that it’s not a stock standard thing?

Because when you get information, as a clairvoyant we can get it in a number of different ways.

Some clairvoyants, strongly see those in the spirit world, standing right in front of them, others see them in their minds eye.

Others can clearly hear what is being said to them, and others get them as thoughts.

These are just a couple of examples in how clairvoyants receive information.

Because our intuitive types can be one of a few different types.  Yes, this also includes you!

Then of course, because we’re all individuals, we relay that information differently.  The reason for this is because we interpret the information we get depending on our own experiences and knowledge.

Even how clairvoyants actually do readings is wide and varied.

We each like a certain ambiance when we do readings.  Some like to burn incense or candles.  Others like a certain colour in their room. Whilst others may need to do a meditation prior to doing a reading or maybe pumping up the energy in the room with clapping!

Then some may like to hold an item when they do the reading or connect more strongly by holding your hand.

When they’ve finished, they may like to cleanse the room before the next person comes in.

There’s really no right or wrong way for them to get information.

Never go into a clairvoyant reading with a pre-conceived ideas of what information you’ll receive or who you think should come through.

Clairvoyants have no control over the information that they receive or how.  We can’t force someone to come in, we can ask and then hope that they do.

Seriously, we do our best to connect, and then give you the information in a way that you’ll hopefully understand. 

You’ll also find that you connect with one clairvoyant more than another.  This again, is just energies at work, no different to when you like someone or you don’t!

I’ve had readings from clairvoyants that others rave about but I just didn’t feel a connection with.  That doesn’t mean that they weren’t any good. I just didn’t get a vibe off them or felt connected. 

Don’t judge all clairvoyants by one bad experience.  If you have a bad haircut, do you then bad mouth all hairdressers?

A couple of things that are a pet peeve of mine:

  • Don’t shop around until you find a clairvoyant that will tell you what you want to hear
  • Don’t ask me what another clairvoyant meant. If you aren’t happy with that reading or need more clarification, then ask them!  

I’m more than happy to clarify my readings, whether it’s a telephone reading or an emailed.  After all I want you to have a good experience and to be able to walk away with direction / closure or focus.

Love and Light
