I had an interesting question for a one question reading this week, this particular lady asked me why there was so much negativity and bad luck around her. My reply to her was that firstly, she needs to change the way that she thinks and views things. She replied back that I was very wrong and everyone around her was bringing her down and obviously I am a very bad clairvoyant.
Now, I don’t doubt for one moment that most people have negative people around them, some people just can’t help themselves, they always look at the glass as half empty. If you have people around you like this, if you can, try and avoid them as much as possible, they don’t want to change, they enjoy wallowing in their misery and they want to drag everyone around them down because they can’t stand seeing others being happy and positive.
However, if you can’t avoid these people, it is up to you to not let their negativity affect you. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said ‘no-one can make you feel inferior without your choice’. This goes for everything, no-one can drag you down to their level if you don’t let them. We are the masters of our own ship and it is up to us individually to sail them in the direction that we want to go. So, regardless of the negative people around you – you don’t have to be negative yourself, it’s your choice. I am a firm believer in positive thinking and putting your intentions ‘out there’ and then working towards them and allowing the universe to play it’s part in making things happen, now these things won’t happen straight away, sometimes they can take years and in the process you may change what your goal actually is – that’s okay too.
Now, ‘bad luck’ I don’t believe in it. Shit happens. That’s life. And shit happens to positive, good people as well. Because it is how you view those ‘bad’ things that happen to you and how you react to them that matters. I was in a bad car accident a few years ago, severe whiplash, taken by ambulance to hospital because they were concerned I may have fractured my neck. However, I could have sat down and sad ‘it’s not fair, why did this have to happen to me?’ instead, I looked at it as a message from my guides to slow down – I was working 7 days a week and wearing myself out and I knew it and wouldn’t listen so bam – a car accident that made me have to rest for 6 weeks because I was in bloody agony. It wasn’t bad luck, it was a bloody lesson. Oh and sometimes when bad things happen to you – it’s because you made a stupid decision. For example, you know your tires are pretty well bald, yet you drive your car, you go through a wet patch on the road and crash the car. Was that bad luck? Or was that stupidity on your part? I believe that everything that happens to us is a lesson there is something in there that we can learn about ourselves, regardless of how minor. Sometimes it’s just a lesson in patience. The term ‘bad luck’ is an excuse for people that don’t want to change nor learn nor take responsibility for their own actions.
So, try positive thinking. Try believing in yourself and what you want to achieve and then take positive steps towards it. Don’t sit and wallow and say ‘oh poor me’ if you’re not going to get up and do something about it. Life is to be lived, enjoyed and all about creating amazing memories.