Does the spirit world give negative information?

In a nutshell the answer is Yes!

No decent clairvoyant will tell you that you’re going to die.

I’m not talking about that kind of negative information.

Instead I am asking you not to go into a reading thinking that you want to be told what you want to hear.

While to me, it doesn’t make a difference how information comes through, you do need to have an open mind.

Don’t think a reading is ‘bad’ because the clairvoyant didn’t tell you what you wanted to hear.

Or as I say to people, please don’t rip off my head and shit down my neck because you don’t like what you were told!

I’m just the messenger folks.

I can tell you from personal experience that I find it really difficult to give information that would be viewed as ‘negative’.

Information that I know isn’t what my client wants.

Whether that’s telling them that the person they’re interested in, isn’t interested in them.

Or maybe the career path they want to go down isn’t suited to there personality.

Then there’s the big doozy, telling someone that I don’t feel that they’ll have children (as in fall pregnant).

It’s not easy.

However, I believe that I should give my client the information that I get.

Yes, even if it can be kind of ‘negative’ to what they want to know.

Don’t think for one moment that our loved ones in the spirit world won’t tell us that something won’t work out the way that we wanted.

Just because we want something, doesn’t mean that we’re going to get it.

There are two ways to look at this.

Firstly, they know you better than I ever will and that includes your personality.

Some people need to be told something isn’t going to happen because they’ll then work harder to make it happen.

Secondly, the other is truthfulness.

Behind that negative information is the message that maybe you need to readdress your goals.

To stop putting energy towards something that just isn’t meant to be.

When this happens in a reading, I always tell my client that I’m happy for them to prove the spirit world wrong!

So, while you may hope for a certain answer in a reading, please be open that the answer you seek just may not be the answer that you get.

We’re not trying to be mean or hurtful, we’re just being honest with the information that we get.