Ok, so I realised that yes, I am a clairvoyant after fighting it for years ….. after all, it’s the Devil’s work, right?
Wrong. Oh how wrong that is!

What to do about it? Well, I did a talk at the local spiritualist church and gave away 20 free clairvoyant healings – as long as they would write a testimonial for me! It worked! I hung my shingle on the door and started with those first 20 non-paying clients and I am so ever grateful to them.
I put an advertisement in the local Yellow Pages. And I knew I had to have a website but I was fucked if I knew how to set one up? I am not technically minded at all……
But there you go, as one would have it, I knew someone that knew someone who was happy to help out and she didn’t charge much! Better yet, she gave me advice on other advertising things like a Facebook page, etc. so all the practical stuff was getting done. I also used to just put flyers / business cards up at the local supermarket and I also did some letterbox drops – literally hitting the pavement around my local area.
OK, so the phone wasn’t ringing off the hook – these things take time, but I just kept plodding along and the inquiries slowly started to turn into bookings.

Now, I’m a firm believer in what is meant to happen will happen, even if it’s not what I want to happen!
The turning point for me came completely out of the blue – as it does! I got a phone call from the local paper, the Newcastle Herald (where I had worked as a PA a few years ago) the journalist wanted to know if I would like to be interviewed for their weekly lift out magazine as they were doing ‘spots’ on local small businesses – well hell yeah! Of course I did. I told him to come in for a free reading and he did, he didn’t say much in the reading and that’s fine and then the wait began.
The wait for it to appear in the paper.
It didn’t.

One week went by, then another and my Gorgeous Guy (GG) was beginning to get incredibly impatient wondering when it was all going to happen ….. and for the first time in my life I turned to him and said, what’s meant to be will be, it will be in the paper at exactly the right time for it to be in the paper, just be patient.
Speaking of patient ….. I became one. We were supposed to fly out on the Monday to my cousins wedding in England when the week prior I had a prolapsed uterus and had to have a hysterectomy, which ended up being very late on the Thursday prior to us leaving. Obviously, we wouldn’t be going and as you would have it, that was the first time I had ever taken out travel insurance so we got all of our money back! So, Friday morning after the op I was still really groggy from the operation, in fact that lasted all day and I so desperately was trying to stay awake because I wanted to see Kate’s wedding dress. (I’m talking Kate Middleton marrying Prince William). I managed to stay awake to see her walk down the aisle and then I crashed.
Saturday morning I woke up, bright as button and The Herald was delivered and there was Kate and William on the cover it was the special Royal Wedding edition ….. I opened it up – and guess who was in the lift out that weekend? Yep. Moi.
My guides and angels had delayed the article going in until it was going to be in the biggest selling newspaper of the year! Not only that, but if I didn’t have to have that hysterectomy, I would have been heading off on a plane to the other side of the world and would have missed all the inquiries …..
How fucking awesome is THAT? My phone was ringing off the hook and I was booked out for 2 months solid!

While I’m a firm believer that we have to take advantage of opportunities that are presented to us, at the same time we have to let the Universe do its thing, trying to force things to happen just isn’t going to work.
That was a huge learning curve for me, to be patient, to believe that my guides and angels have my best interests at heart and that they will make sure that things happen as they are meant to happen. And sometimes they aren’t meant to happen at all, but that too is in my best interests.

So, while you’re to go out there and make things happen, don’t despair when they don’t, that could be the best thing that happens to you.
Be patient. It’s tough but it’s important – go figure!
I was now seriously on my way!

Katrina x

Would you like to hear my whole journey in-depth?  Then check out my biography Christian to Clairvoyant>> https://www.katrina-jane.com/books/