Going for my walk this morning, I left in sunshine but on the way back it started to drizzle and as I was crossing the road to head back home I looked up and saw the most magnificent rainbow!  I love rainbows, to me they are a symbol of renewal, not only that but they’re so pretty!

Seeing the rainbow made me think of a reading that I had done a few weeks ago, the lady in question said that she had asked the angels for a “sign” for her particular problem so she would have an answer.  She told me that they hadn’t given her one.  I replied that she hadn’t specified what the sign was to be!  I told her that her poor angels were giving her signs, left, right and centre but she wasn’t seeing them because she didn’t know what to look for.  For some reason in that reading, I kept getting rainbows and she said, well, maybe that was the sign that she was supposed to look for.  I reminded her that it didn’t technically have to be a rainbow in the sky, but might be on the cover of a magazine, or in an ad on TV etc.  So, she agreed to ask for a rainbow and wanted to see one in a week to see if my reading was correct in regards to the outcome of her question.  I agreed and thought that was a great idea because rainbows just kept being given to me.

That night I was watching the weather and the weather photo came up …… guess what it was a photo of? Yep, a RAINBOW!!!!  I laughed my head off!  I sent the lady a text about it the next day but she had missed the weather – I didn’t mind, because they had given the confirmation to me so I was pretty chuffed about that!

So, the moral of the story is: when you are asking your angels and/or spirit guides for a “sign” to know that you’re heading in the right direction or whatever, make sure that you specify something, otherwise you’re going to be looking and looking but what are you looking for??  Do you want to see a feather?  A rainbow? Or maybe a black cat!  But remember we have to look outside the square of what we think it will be – like my rainbow!  Don’t only accept a feather on your car seat, someone may give you a bookmark that looks like a feather – well, there is your answer!

Have a wonderful week everyone – let me know what signs you’ve asked for and what you’ve been given in return!!!