Not only are we starting a new year, we’re also about to start a new decade!  I’m seeing lots of posts from people all over the place about making 2020 THEIR year, that they have a good feeling about it and are looking forward to things finally happening for them.

I just want to point out one major factor in all this enthusiasm.

If you don’t do anything differently, then nothing is going to change.

Just because we’re going into a new decade doesn’t mean that things are magically going to suddenly go right for you, that you’re going to get that promotion or somehow be able to afford to buy a house.

You need to CHANGE what you’ve always done if you want something different.

To start with, what are you going to let go of?

Are you going to let go of:   Negative thoughts?  Self-doubt? Excuses? ‘Friends’ that aren’t really friends and who you really know you need to get away from?  Sitting on your butt and complaining about your life?

Maybe you need to let go of saying ‘yes’ to everyone and everything.

Because if you don’t actually let go of things, you’re just going to be adding more to your already busy life and then you’ll throw up your hands and say it’s all too hard.

Instead of making a resolution this year, instead make a detailed plan.  Don’t just say you ‘want to lose weight’ or ‘make more money’ – actually sit down and write it out ‘step by step’ how you can achieve it.

Put it all in a timeline so that you have points of reference to be aiming towards and you know that you’re kicking those goals.

Also, write down all those things that you’re going to let go of, that you know you need to remove from your life so that you can have that awesome life that you’re wanting.

Make a detailed list again, of all the things you’re going to let go of, but with this list you need to put in place what you’ll do to stop it – negative thought habits? What are you going to think of instead when you find yourself doing it?  If someone asks you to do something and you know you need to say no, instead of the usual yes, what are you going to say?

You need to know what you’ll do instead so that you can actually start to implement the changes.

You need to be the change. Just believing that things are going to be better is going to do diddly squat, same goes for positive thoughts and prayers.

You need to physically, emotionally and spiritually make the changes that you want in your life, not waiting for your fairy godmother to miraculously make things different.

And that, my friends, is how you’re going to make 2020 and this new decade into something that you have been dreaming of.

Love and Light

Katrina-Jane x