It’s a very common question that I get asked and I do understand how much we miss our loved ones when they’ve died. We just love to know that their around us, especially when we need them.

I’m going to share with you a couple of simple things that you can do to help you connect with them.

1. Meditate. Even if you struggle to meditate, keep trying. For some of us, and I’m one, this isn’t easy to do to start with. That’s because our minds are so used to going a zillion miles per hour and not just being calm and doing, well, nothing! If you’ve never meditated before, get a guided meditation. Keep them short to start with, don’t try and sit there for an hour saying ‘’Om hoping to get a message or feel connected. You’ll just end up frustrated and your legs will have gone to sleep. This is about teaching your brain to stop ‘thinking’ and just allow thoughts and messages to come to you. They’ll feel random and that’s how they’re supposed to feel. But when you stop your mind from being busy, you’re more aware of the stillness. You may just feel their presence near you, maybe smell their perfume for a fleeting moment or you could hear their voice or just kind of sense a word. All of this happens regardless, but we miss those little subtle things because our minds are busy with what to cook for dinner etc ….

2. Dream journal. Our loved ones will sometimes come to us in dreams, or give us dreams that are messages. Now, one thing to remember is that dreams aren’t usually ‘literal’ as in what happens in the dream is a foretelling of what’s going to happen. It’s more the little things, how you’re feeling in the dream, what the outcome was. Sometimes it’s little symbols in the dreams as well. Also, I want to point out that if you’re having a stressful time at work and dream of work, well, that’s your subconscious at play. It’s those weird random dreams that you have that don’t seem to make sense that have messages in them. So, write down, not just what you dreamt, but also, how you felt, what things stood out for you in the dream, colours, symbols, people etc. To get this going, you may want to do a little meditation when you get into bed, letting your loved one know that you’re open to them giving you messages in your dreams. Kind of giving them permission.

3. Ask for a sign. Yep, it’s that simple. Literally ask, whether out loud or in your mind, for a sign from your loved one. However, don’t leave it up to them, it’s up to you to tell them what you want – you want to make a dragonfly a sign? Great, tell them that you want to see a dragonfly within the next 48 hours (you specify the time, but do give them some time to make things happen!) and then you start looking. Now, you need to be open to what you’ve asked for. You may see a dragonfly on an advertisement on a bus, or billboard or even TV – that’s your sign. It can be a real dragonfly or a picture of one. It doesn’t matter, it’s still being shown to you. Remember as well, that not only do they need a bit of time to make it happen, but also, if the season is one for dragonflies, they have to be creative!

4. Talk to them. In your mind or out loud, they hear you, regardless. You may not hear them talk back, but it can be comforting to you to still be able to tell them about your day. Just know that they hear you even if you can’t feel them around you.

I hope these help you to connect better with your loved one.

Love & Light
