Over the years, I ‘ve had plenty of people ask me how I knew that I was psychic.

Honestly?  I didn’t know!

I had some weird things happen to me as a child and if you want to read my award winning auto-biography, just click HERE >> https://www.katrina-jane.com/shop/christian-to-clairvoyant/

In a nutshell though, having been brought up in a strict Seventh-day Adventist environment, anything to do with psychics, mediums, clairvoyants, etc was all the devils work.

I left the church when I was around 27 and this was the beginning of a whole new journey for me, that took approximately 10 years.

The reason it took so long was partly fear and partly wanting for things to feel right to me.  After the indoctrination I had received, there was a hell of a lot of past beliefs that I had to get rid of before I could embrace who I really was.

During that time, when I was kind of learning about psychics etc, (not that I had any particular thought about being one) I was more about learning people’s different beliefs and working out what felt right to me.  A friend then asked me to go along to a clairvoyant that she’d heard about to have a reading.

At this stage in my life, I’d probably had 2 reading.  A bit skeptical, but also kind of a believer, I wavered on the fence more often than not when it came to what I believed.

However, after I had the reading with Lucy, she turned off the tape recorder (yes, it was that long ago!) and said to me “you know your clairvoyant” and I was like, nah, I don’t think so! And I just shook my head and then tried to just ignore it.

But she was insistent.  And she said to me, “I’m going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer them”.   Now, I hate being put under that kind of pressure, like a test and I was all no, no, no! Bu she insisted and said all I had to do was just answer with the first thing that came into my head and not to worry about whether it was right or wrong”.

So, off we went.

Lucy asked me questions about her childhood and previous work etc. and I answered them ….. all correctly.

That kind of blew me away.

I think she realised I was a bit overwhelmed with it all and told me to start going to the spiritualist church that was near where I lived and things would happen from there.

So, I did.  Not straight away mind you, after all, you can’t rush these things!

After more reading and learning, I did start to attend.  I went to meditation classes, then did psychometry readings and did a course with someone else to develop my clairvoyance and well….

Here I am…….

… Ten years later, and absolutely loving what I do.

It’s been an amazing time of growth and change for me and I’m still learning and growing and embracing what life has to offer.

It hasn’t been an easy ride and don’t think for one moment that clairvoyants know everything, therefore, don’t ever go through anything difficult.

We do.  Believe me.

I’m a believer in giving back as well, so on my website there’s a free intuition course if you want to have a look, because that’s the first step in developing your clairvoyant abilities – learning to trust that gut instinct.

If you want to check it out, just click HERE >> https://www.katrina-jane.com/shop/free-intuition-course/

Love & Light

Katrina-Jane x


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