Personally, I believe that they do and let’s be honest here, anything to do with the spirit world is belief and faith!

I also believe that an animal is aware when their time on this earth is nearly over and that they’ll try and prepare us for that.

How do they do this?  It can be in a number of different ways, but they often can start to distance themselves, withdraw themselves from us.  This isn’t because they don’t want to be near us but because they know that it’s going to be really difficult for us to say goodbye, so they start to pull away and put a bit of energy distance between themselves and their owner.

They can also do something that’s totally out of character for them, but at the time, you won’t realise that they’re trying to let you know that it’s their time.  It’s not until they’re gone and you look back and you can see the pattern and put the message of goodbye together.

If your pet is sick and you know that it’s going to be their time to go, talk to them.  Talk to them about your beliefs, and even what sign you may want from them so that you know there OK in the spirit world.

Animals have souls and I do believe that they can connect with our energy.  They know when we’re sad for instance and know that we need a cuddle.

I also believe that an animal can be your spirit guardian in a physical form and when it comes to an accident and your pet passing over, it can be that they’ve done what they needed to do on this earth and it’s time to cross over so that they can help someone else.

I also believe that pets can reincarnate back into your life.  However, even if they don’t that doesn’t mean that you won’t connect with them in the spirit world.  You will and you will also reincarnate more than likely in different lives as well.

And just like us, their soul won’t necessarily reincarnate as the same animal.  You may have a bird in this life and then your soul connects with a horse a few years after the bird has passed.  It’s the same soul, just like we can be men or women in our lives, so can animals.

Do know that once an animal passes over they are out of pain and they are alright.  I also don’t believe that our pets sit on a rainbow bridge waiting for us.  Their souls have work to do, just as ours do, so they go to the spirit world ready for their next journey.

Lastly, our pets can let us know that they’re still around and that they’re OK.  I’ve personally felt my cat on the bed (before we got Monty the dog!) letting me know she was alright.  You may dream often of them as they do come to us in dreams.  Or you may see their name pop up etc, just as when we’ve lost a human loved one.

So, just as with humans our furry / feathered loved ones aren’t gone forever.  Our souls will reconnect if not in this life, then another one and they’ll let us know that they’re alright.

Love & Light


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