Do you embrace change? Or do you fight the change that happens in your life?

Change is simply the wheel of life continually turning, creating constant change that most of the time we can’t control!

Nothing stays the same forever.  Which can be a really good thing, or a not so good thing.

When we set very rigid goals for ourselves and then we don’t reach them, we can cause ourselves anxiety, stress, hurt, sadness.

For example, if you are dead set on being married by 27 and you reach that age and your not even in a relationship, how will that make you feel.

Too many of us base our lives thinking that it needs to ‘be’ a certain way.

Then when change happens and our plans don’t work out, it throws our lives into chaos.

As the saying goes, when there is a death there is a birth and for every door that closes another one opens.

For every change where you lose something it then allows something new to come through.

If you let it.

Another example is if you’ve been in a relationship that has ended and you really want to be with that person, you are clinging to the hope that they’ll change their minds.

Because you haven’t accepted the change, you’re going to miss out on meeting someone new.

Why?  Because you’re focused on what has gone not what could be.

Focusing on what has ended makes you unhappy / miserable.

Instead of accepting the change, learning from it, mourning it if that’s what is needed, releasing and moving on, you create a cycle where it feels that nothing is going right for you.

How many people do you know that constantly fix on all the ‘bad’ things that have happened to them and don’t focus on the good things?

You can’t prevent change.

However, if you embrace it instead of fearing it then your life will be a whole lot different.

You won’t have as much stress, you’ll be happier with life because you have no set expectations.

Which doesn’t mean you don’t set goals!

It means that your happiness and your view of life isn’t all about achieving them in the set timeframe that you have allocated.

When things don’t turn out as you wanted, that doesn’t mean that what did happen is a bad thing.

Things not turning out when you wanted, doesn’t mean that they won’t happen later on!

Nothing lasts forever.  Enjoy the good times and embrace each day as it happens.

Going through a tough time isn’t going to last forever either because change is constantly happening.

Change is something that we all need to start embracing more.

Instead of fighting it, instead of having rigid ideas of what we think our life should be like, just go with the flow a bit more.
