I’m going to talk about ego today.  Why?  No idea it just came to me!  Please don’t get into the mindset that an ego is a bad thing, because it’s not always.  Your ego is the thing that makes you get up and speak in front of people and wanting to do well at it.  It’s also the part of you that will be modest and let others take the glory.

When your ego gets out of hand, that’s when it’s a problem!  When you think that you’re deserving of something that truly you’re not, or that you think you’re better than someone else when again, that isn’t necessarily true. 

When you start running people down who are you “competition” in whatever line of work that you do or even in a social situation.  That’s not good. 

Another form of ego is when you favour someone and don’t treat everyone around you with equal respect and acknowledgement.  For example, ever notice that people start acting really weird around “famous” people?  I have no idea why, in my mind, that famous person is no better or worse than me, they’re just more well known than I am.  Fame doesn’t suddenly turn you into a good person.  So why should I bow and scrape for their attention?  I’m not going to be rude to them, but I’m also not going to treat them as though they are “better” than everyone around them.  I’ll speak to them exactly the same way that I’d speak to anyone.

The same applies in reverse, if I’m not being treated fairly or with respect, then I’ll walk away from the situation, I deserve to be treated fairly as do all of you, I’m not going to put up with things if I’m not.  Nor should anyone.  If you know of someone who is always wanting the attention, or always bragging about how good they are etc, that’s their ego getting out of control!!

I believe in doing my best in treating everyone fairly, whatever the situation, hey, I don’t always succeed, but I do try! 

I just did a shuffle of Doreen Virtue’s goddess guidance oracle cards and got Maat – who helps us with fairness in all situations.  Appropriate huh?!

Have a wonderful day every one, stay warm if you’re on the East Coast of Australia! 

Remember to treat everyone with respect, whether they are the janitor at work or the CEO of some huge company, the same way that you are deserving of being treated with respect.

Love and Light Katrina