No, I’m not talking about that stuff that happens when you’re gently snoring away at night, or even throughout the day for some of us!

Dreams in this instance are all about those things that you’d like to do, that you’d like to achieve – regardless of how small or big they may be.

Are you making excuses to put off achieving your dreams? 

Why do you think this is?

Are you afraid that you’ll fail?

Maybe you’re afraid you’ll succeed and it will turn your life around. 

How about you’re overly concerned with what people will think of you?

Dreams are those things that we want to experience.  Also, as I sit here and write this, I’m also being told that quite often those dreams are things that we didn’t get to do in a past life.  Which means that if we don’t do it in this life, then we’ll be wanting to do it in the next.

If you’re making excuses about not having enough money, time, kids, mortgage whatever – they’re excuses.  Because let’s be honest, there’ll probably never be enough money, the time will never be perfect, the kids / partner will always be wanting a piece of you and your mortgage will be there for a long time. 

So, why not?  Why not take the steps to make that dream a reality? 

Want to sing on some talent show on TV?  Then go for it!  Start practicing, sing your heart out into that hairbrush in front of the mirror, take singing lessons and start applying.

If you don’t start now, then when? 

As I just mentioned there will never be that ‘perfect’ time for you to follow your dream.  Something in life will always get in the way.  If you’re waiting for the kids to grow up and leave home, then your parents are probably going to need your help!

Just start, don’t doubt yourself, don’t wonder how it will happen.  All you can do is give it your best shot.

The beauty of you giving it a go? You’ll know.  You won’t always wonder if you could have made it. 

Did you know that one of the biggest regrets of the dying is that they didn’t do what they had always wanted?

Even if you don’t succeed, at least you can say you gave it your best shot and that you tried.  Then you can focus on a new dream.

Dreams are important, they are what help us grow, get us to experience new things and to embrace life.

Stop worrying about what others will think of you, all you need to be concerned about is what you think of you. 

Think about those that will be proud of you, that’ll look up at you because you took a chance, you gave it a go. And hell, you could also succeed and end up living the life that you’ve been dreaming about!

Be brave. 

Live your dreams one at a time so you don’t have regrets.
