Negative energy is something that I’ve been asked about over the years.

People have asked if they have a ‘curse’ on them as an example.

The following is my belief, and as always, I’m open to you believing what you want!

I don’t necessarily believe in ‘bad’ energy and ‘good’ energy.

Energy is more about the perception that you have of it.

I heard this description for it and I just had to share.

Energy is just energy, there is no good or bad.

It just is.

Let’s use electricity as an example to help explain things.

Electricity is neither good nor bad.

It’s just electricity, right?

If it’s a cold day and you have your electric heater on, you’d think of electricity as good.

However, if you’re about to sit on the electric chair for a crime you’ve committed, then you’d think of it as bad.

But, it’s neither, it’s just electricity.

What makes it good or bad is the way that you perceive it.

Am I making sense?

If someone says that they’re going to ‘curse’ you with negative energy, what actually matters, is how you perceive this.

They may leave a skull and something that permeates a negative energy and that’s it.

However, if you perceive that they have put a negative energy on you, then you’re going to see every negative thing that may happen to you happening because of this.

When, in fact, they’ve done nothing whatsoever except leave a few things with negative connotations on your doorstep.

It’s the same with good energy.

If you have the mindset that good things will happen to you, then they will.

Even if the things are what others would call negative, you’ll see them in a positive light.

It’s all about perception.

Some people also like to use the fact that they have a ‘curse’ on them as an excuse for all the stupid decisions that they make.

It takes the responsibility of them to own up to their own misjudgements.

“It’s not my fault, I have a curse on me”.

Nope, you’re just making crappy decisions and this is the result of them.

In wicca beliefs whatever you do comes back to you threefold, that includes a negative energy curse!

Who wants that coming back three times as intense?

I know that I wouldn’t.

Do I believe in negative energy?

Not in the form of curses or hexes, no I don’t.

You’re more than welcome to believe what you want!

Love & light

Katrina x