I really get disheartened when I read the comments by women about other women.

So this one is for you ladies:-

Congratulations ……

If you have decided to be a stay at home mum. That’s hard work! You obviously have to balance the budget carefully to be able to do that but you’re more than willing to do it and I think you’re bloody awesome!

To you, if you’re a mum who has to go back to work after having kids – mummy guilt’s a killer isn’t it? But you going back to work is the best thing for your family and doing what’s best for everyone isn’t an easy task.

If you’re a woman who has decided not to have kids……

Sheesh, it must be such a burden to have to tell people that and then cope with the snide comments about not having kids, good on you for being true to you – but you know what?
You’re an incredible role model to so many other women and young girls, well done!

To the woman who can’t have children, it’s a killer seeing all your friends having babies and knowing that you can’t.  However, I bet you are going to be the best Auntie anyone could have and you’re friends and family will love you because you love and look after their kids and that deserves a congratulations as well!

To the mum’s who breastfeed, who go through cracked nipples or mastitis, who’s boobs turn into concrete when bub sleeps through their first night … keep up the good work.

As well, to the mum’s who bottle feed because a fed bub is best and you are doing what is best for you and your baby – don’t forget that you’re bloody awesome as well.

For the mum’s who chose a natural birth – it’s an amazing experience and bloody painful but you did it either with or without drugs and you’re so bloody awesome.

As well, to the mum who decided to have a cesarean – the best option for her and bub – it’s not easy being restricted after having one but you brought that baby into the world and that’s what matters.

To the mum who manages to work, clean and juggle a household it’s not easy but you do it and I have to say, I take my hat off to you.

Also go to the mum who has a house cleaner – it’s great to see that you know what you can and can’t cope with and that you delegate tasks to those that do it better – Bravo!

And well done, to the mum who makes all the kids lunches and healthy treats, you obviously love food and want the best for your child – you’re bloody awesome.

And you’re amazing, to the woman who had to swing through McDonalds to give the kids breakfast. I know you feel guilty doing it but at least they got fed.  Sometimes mornings can be a bummer can’t they? Don’t worry, you’re awesome too.

Mum who has gone back to study – well, done, it’s never easy to balance family and your own needs but you’re doing really well – you’re an amazing role model to your children, woohoo!

The women who go to the gym every day, you obviously want to keep fit and look after yourself, keep up the hard work and that balancing act.

For those women who don’t go to the gym and barely gets time to exercise – doesn’t mean that you’re not awesome either, you keep doing what’s right for you.

To those women who are so overwhelmed and just feel she can’t cope anymore, yet still gets out of bed for the kids to make sure they’re alright – that is the definition of bravery.

And not forgetting the women who buys the latest fashion and always looks like a model, you’re amazing being able to put outfits together like that, I think you’re so talented.

And last but not least, the woman that wears ‘whatever’ I think you’re just great too because you’re so comfortable with yourself and you have learnt to just be who you are and accept that – how fantastic are you?!

Now, I’m sure I’ve left some out and I apologise – But I would like to think that you get the drift.

So, please stop being judgemental on other women – you know nothing of who they really are.

Let’s be supportive and caring with each other and ourselves.
