How important is it that we nurture our child’s spiritual gifts?

Children are just amazing when it comes to what they can see and hear when it comes to the spiritual world.

Well, let’s be honest, children are pretty amazing little people full stop.  No filter, they just say it like it is.  Curious about everything.  And accepting of what they see is ‘just what is’.

Because of this natural wonder, they see and hear things more than adults do.  We shut down because we think it’s weird or we don’t want to appear different.  Children aren’t like that.

Have you ever noticed your child chattering away with their ‘imaginary friend’? How would you feel if I said that their friend wasn’t imaginary?  But in fact, a spirit?

That freaks a lot of adults out.  That their children can see spirits.  And please remember that spirits aren’t evil things out to take control of your child!

Because of their purity, children just accept and go along with things until told otherwise.

It’s up to us as adults to help children nurture their special spiritual gifts, regardless of what they are, to not instill fear in them or make them feel that they are a freak nor a performing monkey!

Your child may be able to see spirits, whether little friends or relatives that have passed.  Just ask them about what they see.  Don’t make them feel that it’s wrong or weird.  Tell them that you can’t see them, so your child feels special and you need them to explain what they see.  Just treat that spirit like your child’s friend.

If your child sees aura’s again, get them to explain what they see.  How do they feel when they see the colours around someone? What do they think the colours mean?  Treat it as a very natural thing, because it is.

There are lots of different things that your child may have as a gift.  Dreams that come true, seeing spirit, hearing voices, seeing aura’s.  Your child may be someone that just senses quite strongly when they don’t like / like a person.  They may just ‘know’ where something is.  They may be an empath and really feel people’s energies.

The main thing to do as a parent / adult is to not make your child feel like a freak, even if this is something that you may not believe in or struggle to understand.

Your child isn’t you.  They are their own little person with their own abilities and their own purpose as to why they are here in the world.  It’s not your job to make them into a clone of you.  It’s your job to help them be their best, to accept and embrace the good parts of them, even if you don’t understand it.

If your child has a spiritual gift, don’t turn them into a performing monkey when friends and relatives visit.  If they want to, that’s fine but don’t ask them to do anything to show them off.

Don’t shut your child down when they’re telling you about what they’re experiencing, regardless of what you think.   To them it’s very real and to write it off will shut them down.

Every child is special and it’s really important that we nurture our child’s spiritual gifts.

It’s about letting them shine in their own light – spiritual gifts and all.

Love and Light



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