Have you ever really sat down and had a good long chat with yourself to see if you’re happy? Are you happy with the life that you have led? With the decisions that you have made?

Over the past couple of months my GG (Gorgeous Guy) and I have had a number of brutal reminders about our mortality.

Firstly, his best friend passed away before Christmas.  He was only 56 and then the other day I was chatting to a friend and she informed me that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She is only a couple of years older than me at 50. I am also watching my mother slowly disappear with Dementia and last week she surrendered her licence because she no longer feels confident driving.

Then I was chatting to a friend who has helped me with Sales Funnels and business stuff and I always hear blah, blah, blah … (LOL) and I told her about my friend.  She then mentioned that her close friend had passed away last week, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and they thought she was going to be fine and then it came back in her lungs. Too young. Way too young.
As we were chatting, she mentioned that with her friends passing it made her reassess her life.  She asked herself if she was happy with her life and she most definitely was not! Me? I’m actually OK with my life.

If I was to die tomorrow I’d like to think that I would have no regrets and as I write this, I can’t think of any. Sure, I’ve made mistakes! Geez, who hasn’t? But I’ve learnt not to beat myself up about them, to forgive myself for my own stupidity and to learn from it.  But the important thing is to let those mistakes go.
I can say that I have changed my opinions and views to what they used to be and I also like to think that this is a good thing!

I’ve decided that we, as in my GG and I have to live now, not wait until we are retired or have paid off the house or whatever. Now. Live NOW!

Which leads me to The Boat. Now my GG has been a man that loves boats and enjoys fishing.  Me, I get seasick on a swing!  We have had a couple of boats over the years. Nothing big and fancy but when we moved to Newcastle we sold our little ‘upper class runabout’ because there was no room to store it.
So, for the past 12 years that we have been in Newcastle GG will get onto Boatsales.com and send me links to some pretty fancy bloody boats!  About 4 months ago he did it again and I clicked on them and when he got home (he was away when they were sent) I said to him….

“Just buy it”
And he was like ‘What?’
I replied ‘Just buy it’
He looked at me with a completely shocked look on his face.
I said to him, we have enough equity in our house to do it and if worst came to worst and we couldn’t afford the mortgage we could sell the house and live on the boat!
So, off he went to seriously research and look and after a couple of weeks when he was in negotiations he asked me why.
‘Why are you letting me do this?’
I replied,’ your best friend died a few months ago, he never got to retirement, you both loved fishing and I don’t want you to wait until retirement because we don’t know if we’ll make it’

So, the picture you see is the boat we have bought and I do feel that his mate George was sending that boat to him, I mean look at the name! She’s called Voodoo! How funny is that? (you know, clairvoyant / witchcraft / voodoo) LOL.  My only criteria was I wanted a centre queens size bed (tick) and that I had to like the name of the boat because it’s bad luck to change it (tick).
She’s having some repairs to the motor and then he’ll cruise her up the coast to the beautiful Port Stephens where she will be moored.

Will it push us financially? Absolutely
Will he love being on it? Absolutely
Will we regret it? Never – I don’t care how much it costs he will be able to live one of his dreams and enjoy it.
We’ll enjoy going out on the boat, sleeping on her at the marina and best of all the marina is puppy dog friendly so Master Monty can come along too!

Life is too short to wait to do all those things that you want to do and achieve.
Don’t wait for retirement. Please don’t. You want to travel? Then travel.
Give up the things that don’t really matter and focus on those things that matter to you and doing them.

Live now.

You never know.
