Most of us have been brought up to focus on achievements in life, you know what I’m talking about, getting a degree at university, picking a career that we’re going to stick with, living in a nice house etc.

Did you know that if you want to create your life and be successful at it, that you first need to focus on your internal life.

Easier said than done, however it is something that with a bit of courage will change your life drastically.

You see the problem with focus on those external achievements, and this can include social status and all the rest ….. is that it usually squashes our soul, the kindness within us, the creativity, finding actual meaning in our lives.

What happens over time is that you are constantly squashing down and ignoring what your soul wants because society has deemed that success is all about money, that you end up feeling lost and maybe you feel empty.

You start to question all of your choices.

What society has taught us that we need to be ‘rich’ after all look at all those billionaires who are put up on pedestals.

However, what makes us rich is the fact that we are alive, that we’re able to experience things in life, and when we realise this, we then have time for others and can give more.

When you put all of your faith in the external world, that ‘rich’ you start to lose your soul.  Because you’re seeking approval and conforming rather than taking risks and just being you.

You hold yourself back because ‘what will people think’ rather than expressing who you really are.  You stop yourself from enjoying the little things in life.

Here are some things that we all do and do too often that can make us lose connection with our soul

  • When we are over-cautious stopping ourselves from making choices
  • Over controlling, not allowing ourselves to just trust that what happens will be for the best
  • Forever buying things that you don’t need because you feel that you have to then become fearful that you’ll lose it all
  • Keeping yourself being ‘busy’ instead of actually focusing on your purpose

Here’s 7 questions that will help you mend your soul

  1. Is your uniqueness dead? Where in your life have you allowed this to happen?
  2. In what areas of your life have you tamed your natural wild self?
  3. In what areas of your life have you stopped speaking your authenticity?
  4. What areas of your life are you just putting up with dullness?
  5. What truly brings you alive?
  6. What area of your life do you feel drawn to?
  7. What are you prepared to let go of?

Do answer these questions by being honest with yourself and give yourself a bit of time to do so.

I want you to consider the following:

  • What is fulfilment to you? Because there’s a difference to fulfilment and success. What is more important to you? Having the world think you’re successful or being fulfilled?
  • Don’t allow fear to rule you, instead respect it and learn from it. What is your fear trying to teach you? Is it trying to keep things the same or is it trying to keep your fulfilment.
  • Do you dare? Daring is the other side of fear, it’s bold, courageous. It isn’t however being destructive.
  • Learn to play, when you play you actually start to relax and when you relax you get out of that busyness that you’ve created in your life; that stuff that stops you from relaxing but also doesn’t really achieve anything.
  • Give to others, for the simple joy of giving.
  • Become inspired and be inspiring. When something makes you inspired follow through with it.
  • Get in nature more. We are one with nature, it’s not nature v us.  Just relax and enjoy nature for what it is.
  • Bring mystery into your life. Always knowing what’s meant to happen creates boredom.

When you are brave enough to live a life that will mend your soul and make you feel complete.  Don’t be afraid to change paths, they all really lead nowhere, they are an experience.  Just make sure you ask yourself one question when you pick the path you want to be on.

Does this path have a heart?


Love and light

Katrina x