Let’s be honest here for a moment, shall we?

How many of you set a New Year’s resolution?

Now, how many of you have kept it??? Not many I’m sure and we’re only a week into the new year!

I want you to forget all about your new year’s resolution because, while we’re being honest, waiting until the 1st of the year to do something, well, you’re already procrastinating aren’t you?!

Instead have a think about the following ideas for you.  There’s six of them and it would be great if you could do all of them, but if not, then just pick at least one for you to focus on.

  1. Make a ‘to do bucket list’ – no you’re not planning on dying, but here’s the thing, and it’s a belief system that I have. Why wait until retirement?  Because, you just may not make it there or your health may not be great and you won’t be able to do half of the things you wanted to.  It doesn’t have to be hugely expensive stuff, but make a list of all the things you’ve ever wanted to do, experience or be.

Here’s some suggestions but you make your own……

  • Attend a local sports event
  • Have a professional photo shoot done
  • Visit some local areas acting like a tourist


  1. Do a 30 day challenge – now you can do this just once for a month or you may do one every couple of months or one every month for the year! If you need inspiration, go on Instagram and check out hashtags because there’s lots of challenges such as:
  • The Plank challenge
  • Handstand challenge
  • Declutter challenge
  • Walking challenge
  • Reading challenge


  1. Set yourself a yearly challenge – this is a much bigger goal. So set the challenge and get stuck into it early, for example, you may want to learn a new language, which means signing up and going to classes. Maybe you want to learn to write novels, again join a writing group and off you go.  Or maybe there’s a financial challenge you want to set – saving $10,000 by the end of the year. Remember that you need to want to do it.  Don’t do it if it’s not something you really want to be doing or you’ll fall off the wagon.


  1. Pick a word for the year – as you’ve written down your to do list, you’ll more than likely see a theme starting to appear. Or maybe you can sense a word that will cover all of it. You need to print that word out and stick it all around the house so you see it, on the mirror so you see it every morning for example.


Here’s some words to help you along:-

  • Courage
  • Discipline
  • Action
  • Happiness


  1. Audit your life – may sound a bit drastic but it’s something that I actually believe is important to do every year. Ask yourself how you’re doing.  If you had to give yourself a rating for the big areas of your life, what would each be out of 10? Relationship, health, career etc.  Once you’ve honestly done that, then you can make a detailed list of what you need to change, habits you need to stop or maybe start.  Then at the end of the year, do it again, rate your life out of 10 – did you focus and make changes or fall back into old habits?


  1. Decide what to keep a track of – again, may sound a bit weird but we all get into bad habits with so many things and just kind of cruise along without really getting anywhere. How are your finances? Maybe you need to keep a daily track of what you spend so that you can yget our finances under control.  Maybe what you eat is terrible and you know you’re unhealthy.  Keep a log of what you eat and when and why – eg chocolate biscuits because your bored Sunday afternoon.  This will allow you to see what are triggers and what you can do to avoid them.. eg go for a walk to the park on Sunday afternoons.


There my lovelies are some ideas for you to mull over and hopefully implement and they’re way better than setting a silly new year’s resolution that you’ve probably already forgotten what it is!!!!

Love & light

Katrina x