Your vibration is raising, you hope, but how do you know?

We often talk about the ways in which the spirit world let us know that things are happening, you know, like finding feathers.

But did you know that there are indicators that your personal vibration is raising to a higher level.

That your soul is becoming more in tune with it’s true path.

Some of these signs may just not be what you’d expect.


Because they’re not the ‘typical’ spiritual thing.

So, how can you tell if your vibration is raising?

  1. You really want to downsize.   Think of massive decluttering, possibly even moving into a smaller premises, creating space in your life, as in literal space. When you find that urge to declutter your home of stuff that you’ve been hanging onto for those ‘just in case’ things, your vibration is raising.
  2. The way you eat changes.  You may find that your favourite food just isn’t your favourite anymore. Maybe you can’t even stomach the thought of eating it! You may also find that you start wanting to eat things that you never would have before.  Usually on a healthy note, as your vibration is raising your body wants to start fuelling itself with healthy, wholesome foods.
  3. Your energy is just kind of whacky. You may go like a bull at a gate and have this massive energy spurt. Then other days you struggle to get out of bed.  There’s no rhyme or reason to this it’s just your body trying to create a level playing field of energy.
  4. You seem to be extra sensitive. This isn’t just about being super sensitive to other people’s emotional energy, but it can also be that your sensitive about your own! Now, do know that this can sometimes come in the form of anxiety, and I’d never tell someone to ignore it.  Make sure you get help to deal with that if you need to.  But do know that if the anxiety is because of your vibration raising that it will go.
  5. You realise just how strong words are. When you may have joined in the gossip at work, you just no longer have any desire to. Conversations that aren’t meaningful or you are learning something just seem pointless and a waste of time.  You just don’t want anything to do with it.

So, you can see, that as your vibration raises that it actually has an impact on your physical being and your physical world.

Be prepared for some major shifts and this will include people that were friends just not wanting to be with you anymore.

That’s OK.  They’re on their path and you’re on yours.

Do follow the lead of what is happening though, declutter, clear your energy, eat wholesome foods, rest when you need to and don’t join in conversations that could be harmful.

While it’s really unsettling while it happens, once you’re in the right space it all feels just right and so much calmer!

Love & light

Katrina x