I’m going to share with you 4 simple ways to meditate.

Did you know that meditation isn’t always sitting down in the lotus position saying Ohmmmmm

While it’s obviously a good practice to meditate for at least half an hour a day, and let me confess ….. I don’t, you can actually meditate in other ways.

Which I do.

Here’s four simple meditations to try.

Start implementing them into your daily routine and feel the benefits to your overall wellbeing.

Savour your meals

I know that this may sound slightly strange but be mindful of what you’re eating.

Chew your food slowly and thoroughly.

Feel the texture, the tastes, the smell.

Enjoy it.

Block out all else and just be in the present moment of eating.

Don’t be distracted by the TV or your phone.

Just enjoy the meal.

Stop to observe

I’ve started doing this when walking Monty.

Just taking the moment to stop and look around me.

To listen to the birds, watch ants crawling along the ground or birds eating nectar in the trees.

Even if people are walking near me, just briefly looking, but no judging.

Just listening to the sounds that are around me and watching nature do its thing.


I’ve mentioned this one a few times in other blogs.

It’s not that we don’t actually forget to breath.

It’s more that we don’t focus on our own breathing.

Taking nice long deep breaths, holding for a couple of seconds and then fully exhaling.

With each breath just try and relax the muscles in your body.

Do this for 10 minutes if you can – and don’t fall asleep if you’re at work!

Visualise your thoughts

See if you can just empty your mind.

To do this you envision your thoughts as if they were objects.

Focus on each one for a few seconds and then just let it go.

Visualise your frustration, don’t make it a feeling but instead a thing.

What does it look like?

Try this for each thought.

See? They’re easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Give them a try and you’re actually training yourself to be more in the moment rather than doing a million things at once.

Love and light

Katrina x