The magic wand is something too many people are after.

I can’t wave a magic wand and make everything better.

I wish I could but I can’t.

Believe me, the first person I’d be waving it over would be myself!

I’ve just notice recently that people are wanting that to happen.

They don’t want to step out of their comfort zones to do the things that they need to so that they can move forward in their lives.

Some just want someone or something to come along and make it all better.

Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but that just isn’t going to happen!

You’re the person living your life and only you can make it better.

I always start off a reading by saying that:

“Everything that is given to me to give to you is guidance, you can do whatever you want with it”.

Everyone agrees that is the case.

You see, I can’t live their lives for them.

However, when Spirit comes through with a solution that would help them, you see the wall go up and they’re like “but I don’t want to do that”.

Yes, I KNOW you don’t want to do it.

Spirit is saying, you need to get out of your comfort zone and if you do this, then you’re helping yourself to move forward.

When you show that you’re willing to do that, then we’ll step in and make sure it works for you.

You can’t just sit back and wait for someone else to do all the work.

Where’s the lesson in that?

And that is what this life that we are leading is all about, learning lessons and growing and continuing to grow.

It’s about taking that brave step into the unknown with full faith that everything will work out as it is meant to.

And that is the key, “as it is meant to” NOT “how I want it to be”.

We all go through some horrible things, rough trots, bad relationships etc.

When you look back, you have the wisdom of hindsight to realise that what we truly wanted wasn’t the right thing for us.

So please, listen to your intuition, your gut instincts and Spirit and just go with the flow.

Even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone, who knows what amazing journey you’ll be taken on!

Stop stressing about whether or not it is the “right” decision.

It will be the right decision made at that time and then just get on with life and live it!

The Magic Wand is in your hand to use.

Love and Light Katrina