When doing a reading, I often have people say things like “don’t tell me when I’m going to die” and my reply always is …. I don’t.

Apart from the fact that it’s highly unethical as a clairvoyant to tell someone when they’re going to die, it’s also not something that I very often get as information.

I can receive information about a loved one who is very elderly / dying of disease with a ‘they don’t have long to go’ or maybe a few months etc.

If you’re young and healthy? Nope, I don’t get when you’re going to die.

To be honest, even if I did, that’s the one thing that I actually wouldn’t pass on, everything else I give but a day you’re going to die?

No way.


Because if you were told that you were going to die on a certain date, you have to realise that from that moment on you’re not going to live your life as you should.

You’ll either be living in fear, waiting for that day to come, and making every decision that you can to try and avoid that situation, and by doing this, you could miss out on important experiences that you’re meant to have.

Or you may go on a manic spending spree or do irresponsible things because you think, what the hell, I’m going to be dead soon anyway.

I know this for a fact because I’ve had people come to me for a reading and they’ve said that they had a reading when they were 18 and were told that they would die at 30 and now they’re 29 and terrified.

A clairvoyant is meant to give guidance, not death dates and a medium helps you connect with the spirit world, again, not give death dates.

Another thing to remember is that we can change things, so if a clairvoyant gave you a date when you’re going to die, you could actually do things that change this, so you may have in your head that’s when you’re going to go, but you’ve changed your future so it won’t happen.

As I’ve said in a previous blog, those big scary things in life that we all go through? We never get told about them, so why would you be told when you’re going to die?

My advice is this, live every day as if it was your last and make every decision as if you’re going to live forever.

That way you’ll enjoy your life and leave nothing to chance.  Have your Will updated regularly, keep your finances in order, don’t put off those important things that you want to say to someone and don’t wait until ‘later’ to do something that you want to do.  That way when your time comes, you won’t have regrets.

Love & Light

Katrina x